This is RobertaDeLuca, Dr. Roberta DeLuca, Bo DeLuca, (email visible only to moderators and staff),, Cannabis: The Original CBDLibrary of Dr. Roberta DeLuca, The (email visible only to moderators and staff), AntiAging and wellness (email visible only to moderators and staff)

  • The subject names above are “all me.”I cannot add my (email visible only to moderators and staff) to both of my WordPress accounts. My has disappeared AGAIN. Every month this happens. Lease put it back and tell me where you put it. I noticed you have now added someone else’s account “RADLIFE” to my posts. This is NOT ME! Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    I cannot add my (email visible only to moderators and staff) to both of my WordPress accounts

    An email address can only be associated with one account. So you are correct, you cannot add that email to “both” of your accounts, I’m afraid.

    My has disappeared AGAIN

    I am not having any trouble viewing that site and you are logged into the user account that owns it.

  • I have reached out by email with instructions to log into your account. Please look for my response and write back to us on the same email ticket should you have any followup questions. Thanks!

  • The topic ‘This is RobertaDeLuca, Dr. Roberta DeLuca, Bo DeLuca, (email visible only to moderators and staff),, Cannabis: The Original CBDLibrary of Dr. Roberta DeLuca, The (email visible only to moderators and staff), AntiAging and wellness (email visible only to moderators and staff)’ is closed to new replies.