There is no spell check and the screen is way too small!!!

  • The heading is HUGE! I cannot see it all as I enter it and this is frustrating. The space to enter is way too small! There is no way to enlarge it. I tried to post today, to my surprise, it looks like a foreign language! I am actually HORRIFIED at this new editor! I looked for the spell checker only to find that there is NONE! WAY TO GO WORDPRESS! I thought these changes were because I switched to premium but it is all the way across the board!

    Everything is so BIG there is no way to shrink the current resolution. I use a Google Chrome browser running in Windows 10. This new way sucks! I wish you would revert back to the old way! I contacted your customer support or as you call the “Happiness Engineers” and the guy was nice. I was so PISSED when I contacted him I had to appologize to him. I cannot believe the BIG BRAINS that came up with this didn’t have the foresight to add a freakin’ spell check! It was bad enough when you changed the stats page to a foreign language…and now this? Whomever thought this up should be slapped beyond recognition only moments before their involuntary termination from WordPress! Tell me, do these people need their GPS to find their workstations everyday? (can you tell I am slightly peaved?)

    I am trying to post and everything is someplace else, it is like using the “Helen Keller” method (feeling my way through). This is horrifying! It will take a lifetime to figure out this abyss of information and technology. I maintain a 4.0 average in school, when it comes to this, I am completely baffled! Thanks WordPress for this special hell! But I have learned new and exciting ways to put together expletives…

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @99milesperhour and thank you for trying the new Editor and sharing your feedback. The spellcheck request has been a common one and I’ve added your vote so we can prioritize adding it in the new Editor. We will also be reviewing the font sizes and contrast to ensure they are usable by as many people as possible, but what one person finds too big another might find just right so it’s all a balancing act to suit as many preferences as we can.

    In the meantime, you can access the classic editor directly by adding /wp-admin/post-new.php to the end of your site address.

  • Could you please just add a link to the full WP-admin editor on pages and posts? The new editor is inadequate for my needs. It’s really a pain having to search for a page or post I’m already on so that I can use the traditional high quality editor. still has the real editor, so why can’t

  • Staff removed the convenient link to the classic editor in March 2015 and have made it clear in new editor feedback threads, thread after thread that they will not be providing it again.

    You cannot deactivate the new Beep Beep Boop editor but you do not have to use it. For locating the ways and means of accessing the legacy or classic pages for creating posts, editing posts, and for viewing stats see here > Navigating the Classic WordPress.COM interface

    On the dashboard of your own blog at
    Dashboard > Posts > All Posts > Add New
    To create posts in the classic editor for you that link is

    On the dashboard of your own blog at
    Dashboard > Posts > All Posts one can hover over any post title and click the Edit link. and proceed with editing.

    If you have cookies enabled on your browser your preference will be saved unless or until your clear your cookies, and it will take you to the classic editor automatically every time you create a new post via the drop-down menu in the black admin bar or edit a post via the edit button on the blog itself.

  • Yikes! I made a mistake above. Below is the correct link.
    For locating the ways and means of accessing the legacy or classic pages for creating posts, editing posts, and for viewing stats see here > Navigating the Classic WordPress.COM interface

  • I like the new editor, however I would like to see spell check restored. The space for the title is much larger than need be.

  • @verajackson
    The correct place to post that is here in the sticky post at the top these forums.

  • P.S. Most of us have a spellcheck on our browsers and I’m surprised that you do not appear to have that feature on yours. Are you running a browser and version of it found at If not please upgrade.

  • You guys wrecked a good thing! In your quest to make things better, you are hindering our progress! I was HORRIFIED after I took all day on the last post I did trying to make sure there were no typos because the BIG BRAINS there forgot to incorporate a spell check…then after I post…to my DISMAY, I found out…now you cannot click on my photos to enlarge them! Why can’t you either leave things alone, or at least tell us when you are going to make major changes so we may plan accordingly? Do we not count? You just implement new things without even giving us a heads up. I am reluctant to post anything new, all my hard work preparing my beautiful photos and they cannot be enlarged! Tell us…what new horror do you have in store for us next? How long is it going to take before you add the spell check and replace the function to enlarge photos? Or are you just going to surprise us with another version of this special hell?

  • Please add my vote to overhauling the new editor to include spell check! There is something about it that does not feel as user friendly as the previous one.

  • Photos can be enlarged now; spellcheck is still in the works. I’ve counted both of your votes toward that feature.

    Do note the photos can be enlarged now. Just click on a photo and click the plus or minus sign.

    We’ll keep working to add these features in! Just know we’ve built this one from the ground up. You can still use /wp-admin if you prefer by adding it to the end of your site address.

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