There is a stats problem

  • There is – I think – still a problem.

    The heaps of Supports I’m getting are not letting us forget.

    If you read this, let me help people with another problem and do not send a support.

  • Okay, the point I was making was use Twitter because I think mark was talking about what could happen if even the status blog went down. Instead, have the Twitter, have it at the top of the official blog or something, or make a post and tell people subscribe to that feed. It is not connected to at all so if there is a problem, people can be in the know. Did I explain myself properly? :s

  • Well, email works that way too. I just don’t want to have to install yet another thing on my computer specifically so I can talk to one person. I keep AIM and Yahoo messenger around for just those reasons, and there is only so much specialized accomodation one is willing to do. If I came to the blog and it and and the forums were all down, I would check email instantaneously, and I think that would be the default for most bloggers. There are more than a half-million people we have to think about here.

  • I’m 9 on the popular blogs list, I ain’t complaining. :-P

  • Hey guys, im new here just thought I would say that the stats have been a bit dodgy today too, well compared to the last few days it has…300+ then 50 so far…maybe its working right now and the 300 was wrong I dunno lol :)

  • I’ve noticed a problem with Clicks lately too. For some reason, the Stats plugin is no longer counting clicks. My site went from having numerous outclicks to zero. That’s just not right.

  • No clicks here. Good news on the feed stats – mine are up 500% :)

  • Me “no clicks ‘ for a long time too. Hey, but it sounds like a terrific name for a new blog:

  • I was afraid that people were getting paranoid and not clicking anything, since I’d added the “what people are clicking” to my sidebar. “Oh no! They’re watching!” That’ll teach me to come here first!

  • My hits are about 200 – 300 less, while for the past three days, I have experienced no stats for the outgoing clicks.

  • Do remember to check your Feed stats; it’s entirely possible that all the regular hits you’re missing are as a result of Google Reader’s changes and what’s really happened is that the readers you had who were using Google Reader are now on the Feed Page rather than the Stat Page. I have found if I add the two they add up to the right number more or less. And my feed stats have gone INSANE recently.

  • I’m having stats count problem also. It is currently set to 1 for the past couple of days. Yes also not getting outgoing clicks. I am only getting internal (to wordpress) referrers and not external, including my domain name!

    Hoping this works out soon.

    The wordpress dudes are usually great with bugs, so I leave it in you capable hands guys!

  • Salaam, Working fine here

  • Holy cow…what is this guy rightontime blabbering about?

    I had yet another problem related to stats. The post that got the most visits was a different one to the one I saw listed as being the top post from around wordpress. Moreover, the post which I saw as being the top post from around wordpress did not even have a single hit.

    Is this also messed up by the stats problem?

  • Deleted spam. For reference, please don’t acknowledge spammers. Just add in a ‘modlook’ tag tot he thread and I or a staff member will get it.

    @dream, might be. The top list around is a cahced list as well that onlt gets updated every so often.

  • I am going to close this and re-post because this thread has become too long to easily find out what the actual problem is.

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