themes are all different?

  • At first I thought I was having some problems with my particular theme (Andreas 09), but after testing a few other themes, it seems that they are all completely different on what kind of widgets they allow. Is this right?

    Some have a Subscribe widget, while others rely on Meta for this. Meta has different links depending on which theme you choose, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to display your blogroll on all themes (at least, it doesn’t work for mine).

    Is this normal that each theme is so different than the others, or are there problems? It seems difficult to customize your blog how you like, if the theme you choose doesn’t allow the features you want.

    P.S. It also seems that not all themes even let you change the widgets at all.

  • This has been discussed many times already in this forum. May I politely suggest clicking through the widget tag that you assigned to this thread and skimming some of the other threads. As noted, the staff is currently working on each theme to add in widget support and the widgets themselves. Once each theme is complete, it is then rolled out to the servers. This is not something that occurs over night.

    Hope this helps,

  • Thanks. I apologize if I’m asking the same question again, but within my question was also the related issue of widgets not working at all in certain themes. For example, I can’t get links to show up at all for Andreas 09, and right now only one of my three Categories shows up in the Categories widget.

    What exactly do you mean by “complete” and “rolled out to the servers”? Does this mean anything available to us should be complete (which they don’t seem to be), or that they are still in a revision process?

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