theme request

  • could we have a theme thats wide enough to post photos without them getting cut off by the sidebar?

    like maybe this one…

  • Why not just use thumbnails?

  • Because she doesn’t want to make her readers click on every image to see it in full? Because she has no compassion for dial-up users? ;)

    I think a theme designed expressly for photoblogging would be a worthwhile addition to the portfolio.

  • I think a theme designed expressly for photoblogging would be a worthwhile addition to the portfolio.

    Agreed but I still worry about those on dial up like you mention and with webtv. (They can only view pages up to 100k in size and that includes pics.)

  • Agreed but I still worry about those on dial up like you mention and with webtv.

    That’s too bad for the people using dial-up. Why should we be limited to theme choices that are ok for dial-up users?

  • Didn’t say you should be limited. If you don’t want people using dial up to view your site, that’s fine.

  • Because most people want to maximise their audience and not arbitrarily exclude potential readers based on the quality of their connection? I doubt there are many people out there using dial-up through choice.

  • People with dial-up aren’t going to be visiting too many photoblogs anyway.

  • True, and of course if you don’t want them visiting your site that’s entirely up to you.

    I think the main concern with adding non-dial-up friendly themes is that people may use them without being aware of their non-dial-up-friendliness, and then come running to us saying ‘hey! my friend says my site won’t load for them! what gives?’ But a warning in the presentation screen should guard against that.

  • white as milk is fantastic as a photo blogging theme, it just needs widened so that a decent sized photo is visible. Perhaps once the current upgrade is complete we could petition the team to sort it for us?

  • I don’t have dial-up and I hate HUGE pictures because it usually takes a while to fully load.

  • and that’s why the most of photoblog themes only add one photo per page lol

  • I have a theme-related request. Currently the only theme I can use is White as Milk. Love it, but would love to use some of the others, too. The reason is, White as Milk does the following three things:

    1) categories alphabetized
    2) links listed by category, and alphabetized
    3) search

    Some of the themes seem buggy – banana smoothie and blix come to mind. Would love to use it, though. Is it in the cards that one day the buggy themes would be unbugged, and all (or more) of the themes have the option to conform to the short list?

    Thank you for making free food blogging possible!
    Christine at Christine’s Kitchen

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