Theme MistyLook

  • Me gustaría añadir otra columna más al tema MistyLook por Sadish, se puede?

    I would like to add another column more to the MistyLook theme by Sadish, can?

  • I’m also interested in a 3 column modification of the MistyLook theme so I’ll be watching for the response you get. Hopefully another blogger will answer you soon.

  • You would have to modify the underlying theme files to add in a new sidebar. That can’t happen here as we don’t have access to the files.

  • Sigh … somehow I knew that and felt that coming,
    but I was hopeful, if you know what I mean …
    a 3 column girly theme

  • There is a 3 colomn version of Misty, i found it on Sadish’s site. It was customised by someone and posted. So you could always dig it out of his website (cant remember which it was, so you’ll need to look on both), then send the link through support asking for it to be added. Though IMO the theme looked terrible with a third column. possibly cause both the side bars were together on the right side.

  • Two sidebars on the right hand side may suit me very well. :)

  • you can do it, sort of. it’s tricky. you have to make the second column twice as wide, and make the widgets 50% wide. i’m currently working on it for a different theme, i’ll post some results when i get it working.

  • Thanks.

    While you;re waiting, feel free to send in a feedback on Monday and point out to staff that such a theme exists and why you would like to see it added in. be sure to include a link.

    Also make sure that you point out that I didn’t design it. Some folks think MistyLook is one of mine.

  • The one I want is a free theme by Sadish called Seashore 1
    Features :

    * Three Column
    * Sidebar Widgets plugin Compatible
    * Custom Header Image
    * Archives Page Template
    * Links Page Template
    * Contact Page Template
    * 404 Page
    * Highlights Author’s Comment
    * Author’s Profile page
    * Calendar style for Post’s date, etc

    All of thee features listed above are important to me. True that it’s a cold colors theme but with a css upgrade that could be changed. I will send in a feedback on Monday.

  • This is to confirm that I have sent in a feedback and requested the Seashore 1 theme noted above.

  • @tt the look that you are looking for could probably be done with Sandbox and the CSS upgrade.

  • That’s what I’m hoping, although I don’t know any css at all. It’s my understanding that we can only use themes here -> Presentation -> Themes so that’s why I’m asking that this theme be added. If it is added then I intend to throw myself at the feet of any blogger who is proficient in css and who is willing to help me change it. The changes I want to make are to the background colour and the fonts.

  • Yes but Sandbox is already in the available themes on WP. com. A bit of CSS and you are away. :)

  • Really? I have zero skills and zero understanding of css. The $ is not the issue. Just thinking about taking this on makes me break into a cold sweat. I would require hand-holding and due to my ignorance, I might even drive the person helping me to the brink of madness. Are you interested in holding my hand and telling me what to do?

  • Gotta admit that I would ask for the upgrade from staff. You’ve put in enough time around here. Would give you practice too.

  • @tt – I do not know about hand holding. But I am mad already. If you need a lift then sure. But I think you are missing something. You will LOVE CSS. Its a lot of fun. And pretty simple really.

  • YAY! You’ll help me. Well that’s cool. I can copy and paste with the best of them but I really don’t want to have to learn a bunch of stuff that will cause anxiety and trigger migraines. I have test blogs. Is it possible to do the css changes in a test blog and then when it looks right, purchase the upgrade and transfer them to the blog I want?

  • First up you need to install XAMPP. Then send me an e.

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