Theme did not load properly

  • I activated Twenty Sixteen theme, but it didn’t display what was shown in the demo. It still used the layout of my presvious them. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • PS
    The previous theme was Payton, which doesn’t have top nav bar, or right side nav bar. This is why I want to use Twenty Sixteen theme. But it won’t load the way it looks in its demo.

    Am I not doing this correctly?

    Thank you for any help.

  • Accepted answer

    Problem solved. Chat support uploaded ‘stuff’ to make my version look like the demo version of Twenty Sixteen.

  • Glad you were able to get that!

    If anyone else comes across this thread and needs help, just make new request to add demo content. Let us know whether you want your old content erased (we’ll need to confirm) or whether you just want it added. If your theme has demo content, we’ll make it so for you. Cheers.

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