Theme Default Fonts Keep Coming Back On Page Load

  • I’m looking into purchasing a personal or premium account from Word Press. But I find that every time I reload me page after editing, The default font returns for a second. After it flashes for a second, it shows my edits.

    I don’t feel comfortable putting time into creating a site that glitches out my edits and/or fonts when it loads. Other then this major issue, I’m prepared to upgrade to a paid plan if this could be fixed!

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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  • Just changed to hidden. Now anyone could access the site and help!

    Thank you!

  • Just changed to hidden. Now anyone could access the site and help!

    Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    This is normal. When your site loads, the custom font loads last. We load the theme’s default font first, so people with a slower connection don’t need to sit staring at a blank screen while waiting for the font to load. On faster connections everything should happen quickly enough that you don’t see the default font, but it can appear in a brief flash like you’re seeing in some cases.

    If you upgrade to Premium you can prevent that, though, by adding a bit of custom CSS that prevents the default font from loading in the first place:

    .wf-loading body {
    visibility: hidden;
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