Theme changed by mistake and won’t change back

  • Hi there!
    I haven’t been here long, but I’ve run into a problem. I was using the Theme “Neat!” and thought I’d have another look at the other themes, so I opened them in new Tabs (in FF3). No other theme appealed, so I didn’t want to activate any other theme. But when I went back to my blog, “The Journalist v1.3” had been activated. “OK,” I thought, “I’ll change it back.” But I can’t – I go to “Appearance -> Themes”, click on “Neat!”, choose “Activate ”Neat!”” and – it goes back to “The Journalist v1.3”.

    Also, I activated “Show falling snow on my blog. (Only until January 4th 2009.)” under “Appearance -> Extras” and can’t switch it off any more. I can deactivate the checkbox and it will stay unchecked as long as I stay on that page. But when I go somewhere else and come back, the checkbox is activated again.

    I did want to activate the Widget “Calendar” (which didn’t work by the way – that’s when I realized my theme had changed), but I am using the following Widgets: Pages, Links: Blogroll, Meta, Search, Recent Posts, Tag cloud, Categories: Posts and several RSS feeds. All of these Widgets worked with “Neat!”. I have no custom CSS (although I did look at the function, but I chose I didn’t need it).

    Here’s my blog:

    Can anyone help me?


  • OK, it works now. I don’t understand what changed, but it’s OK again. Thanks for anyone who was planning to try to help though. ^^


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