Theme Argent: missing "front page" and "reading" section in the Control Panel

  • Good afternoon to all.
    I’ve a problem with the static front page, it is desappeared and I can’t turn it back. Initially everything was set up correctly, in fact the frontpage worked as expected, displaying a static page with the logo of the non-profit organization I work for. For the moment the blog is published privately, because it is a cultural project whose promotion will start in September.
    In particular, I use theme Argent and I had created a page by assigning the ‘static front page’ tamplate, but now I have no section for customizing the static page in the new control panel and, moreover, in the ‘reading settings’ control panel it is no longer avaible the option to set a fixed page. (Can I send You a screenshot to see what I mean?

    From the moment I haven’t changed any settings, I really hope you can help me understand what happened…
    It depends on a theme bug?
    Or there is a temporary problem of WordPress site?

    For all the suggestions and indications that you can give me, thank you in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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