the video is not working in my website for normal users

  • Hi,

    i used private youtube videos in my website and when i get to access as the administrator i can watch them where as a normal user is unable to play the video. also there is a note in the video saying “this video is private” . so, how can i solve this problem?

  • Hi idrissmahmoud2013, my understanding of private Youtube videos is that you have to be logged in at Youtube to view them. So unless you’re sharing access to your login (not recommended) no one else can see them.

    You have a few options:

    – Instead of publishing privately at Youtube, choose “anyone with a link can view.” It’s not very secure, since people can figure out the link and share it, but it’ll work.


    – Upgrade your site so you can upload videos directly to our service. Your videos will have the same privacy as your site, or you can add them as premium content. The premium plan will work for most cases, and it gives you access to several other upgrades as well:

    Let us know how we can help!

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