The Spun Theme

  • As you can see in the layout of the theme Spun, it makes those nice circles from the images in the posts. The thing is that until 16-11-2015, in my page, it used to cut a circle from the image and after that it started to stretch the image to fit in the circle. Can I change it back? How?

    I have another question; When I go into categories, it shows me the posts in the categorie I choose, but when I go further into the post that’s in the categorie and use the arrows (post before, post after) it moves to other post, chronologically, but not in the specified categorie anymore. Can I change that?

    Thanks in advance! ;)))

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I don’t see any images on the front page that appears to be stretched. Can you perhaps take a screen shot of what you’re seeing? You can paste your screen shot to or to (you need a (free) account for the first, not for the second), and then paste the link here.

    As for your second question, the category pages show all posts from a specific category. However, when you click on a specific post to open the single-post view, the previous and next buttons will go to the previous or next post according to publication date only, not according to category. There is no way to change this.

  • the first 7 (from left to right) are stretched.

  • Ah, okay. I would say they’re being squashed, rather than stretched :)

    Assigning the image as the featured image prevents this from happening, but then the image shows in the post twice.

    I’ll dig around some more to see if I can find out what’s causing this and get back to you.

  • yes, squashed, my English isn’t very good ;P
    sorry, and thank you! :D

  • Hi there,

    Just wanted to let you know that I’m still trying to track down the cause of this. I’ll let you know once I know more.

  • there is one other thing.
    before, once you enter in the post, you could click in the photo and it would open and appear as big as it was.
    now you just see the photo in the post page and you can’t see it bigger.
    I preferred the way it was before…

  • What you describe here has to do with image attachment. If you insert an image using the new editor you need to insert the image, click on it, then click on the link icon in the editor toolbar. That will add the link to the full-size image to the image itself so you can click it.

    For already-published posts, you’ll need to edit them by going to the WP-Admin dashboard,, and go to Posts ->All Posts ->Edit. Click on the image and click on the pencil icon. Look for Attachment Display Settings, and set that to Media File. Then update the image and update the post.

    Regarding the images being squashed, I have been able to reproduce the problem on my test site and have reported it to our theme developers to fix. We’ll let you know here if we’re able to do that.

    Thanks for you patience while I was testing this.

  • ok, thank you very much for your efforts to help me :-)

  • Hello, again

    I heard back from the theme team and it appears that this isn’t really a bug, but part of how the theme was designed. Specifically, this distortion happens if an image is not attached to the post where it is used.

    I took a look at your library, and it seems like recently you’ve been uploading a bunch of images at a time, and then adding them to your posts over the next few days. Is that what you’ve been doing?

    The problem here is, if you do that, the image doesn’t get linked with its post in the database, and then it gets squashed in the thumbnail due to the way the theme was written.

    If you upload your images via the Add Media button in the post editor rather than uploading them directly to the library they should be attached to the post automatically. (I have noticed the new editor doesn’t always do this, and I’ll investigate that further and report it. If you’re using the new editor, read on.)

    However, if an image is unattached you can also do so manually. To do that, open the media library and make sure it’s in the list view. Here’s a direct link:

    Next to the image, to the right, you should see a link saying “Attach”. Click that, select the post that image appears in, and update, and the issue should go away. However, as an image can only be attached to one post, if you use the same image later in a new post you might see this problem again. In that case the only way to fix it would be to set a featured image instead.

    Let me know if you have any more questions about this.

  • Hi! :-)

    I always upload via Add Media button, eventually I schedule the post to a further or past date, but I always do it one by one. because otherwise to make the thumbnail image correspond to the posted image I would have to set a featured image.

    the squash thing is definitely something new, since the wordpress system changed a bit.
    as you can see in that list the previous posts I didn’t have to click “attach” and they were completely fine.

    anyway, your instructions fixed the problem. is there a way the images can attach themselves automatically? or from now on I will have to enter the media library and click attach? :P

    wish you a good weekend.

  • As I said, the images are supposed to attach automatically, but we have been making a lot of changes recently, so it is very possible that something we did could have broken the feature.

    It would help me narrow down the cause if you can tell me whether you normally use the new editor, or the WP-Admin editor when creating new posts. Can you also check what happens if you use the other editor from the one you normally use? Thanks.

  • hi, sorry for taking so long.
    normally I use the new editor, and I just realised that by WP-Admin it goes without problems, just like it used to be. I don’t even have to attach to anything.

  • Thank you for confirming that. It sound like it might be a bug with the new editor, so I’ll investigate that some more and report it to the people responsible. I’ll let you know once I hear something.

  • I just uploaded several images to new posts in the new editor using various methods, and they all attached correctly for me this time, so the problem causing this might have been fixed.

    Can you please check if it’s still not working for you and let me know? Thanks.

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