The rescheduled posts are not appearing in the WordPress reader

  • My issue is with the rescheduled posts. Let me explain it with the recent rescheduled posts.
    It was on Nov 9th 2018, I published a post on “what if I die at this moment?”
    And on Jan 27th 2019 I published a post “How to deal with “You’ve changed a lot”.
    Then yesterday (30th Jan 2019) I republished “How to deal with “You’ve changed a lot”. And then I republished this too, “What if I die at this moment?”

    Now the site “” is showing the posts as expected itself. The last published one at the top (“What if I die at this moment?”).
    But the WordPress reader is not updated accordingly. It’s not showing my posts as expected.. now another interesting thing which came into my notice is that , there is a button “my sites” and from there if I take my blog posts , everything is showing in the correct order as published. But that’s not the WordPress reader page which is visible to my followers. The rescheduled posts are not appearing in the WordPress reader, posts remains in the initially published time stamp itself in the reader.
    Your help is much appreciated

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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