The new WordPress dashboard and widgets

  • i have no widget bar??? i have no boxes to drag and drop? i have no boxes to add to widgets?? all i have is a page of large boxes, not listing all of my widgets in use only some??? and no way to add others????

    this is crap!

  • All of my widgets to continued to work just fine after “the change”, but I now want to add another text widget. I click the “Add” link and it appears on the RHS with the little edit link, but when I click that, it just disappears. I wondered if this was because the original setting was to allow only 1 text widget. In the old version, there was a pulldown menu to change the number of text widgets, but I can’t find it here. HELP!

  • Help! I can’t add pictures to my entries anymore! I can see them added but then cannot get out of the blank box and when I refresh, the whole thing goes away!!

    ~ sad and pic-less in Philly…

  • srilanky: download the the latest version of Flash. That will fix it.

    Also, the new widget page pales in comparison to the old. Why try to fix something that isn’t broken? I don’t get it and I don’t like it.

  • I know, thanks. I already have pretty high version but maybe not the highest…sigh. I miss my BLOGGING!!!!!

  • Thanks Reelist, it worked…back to work!

  • I actually like the new dashboard. HOWEVER, in the process of designing it you broke a bunch of stuff that was just fine. Inserting photos has turned into a nightmare. I can’t edit any of my text widgets, and I can’t copy and paste anything from them in order to begin over. I use IE and a slow dialup ISP. The suggestion that I “simply” download and install a new browser is downright insulting. You make a big deal out of telling people to test new blog designs with different browsers. Did it not occur to you to follow your own advice? You’re behaving like – like – like Bill Gates for crying out loud! Well, OK, there is one difference – WordPress is free, after all, and I do appreciate that. But you broke it. No fair and no fun.

  • IE 6 and 7 have some problems with the new WordPress in particular when it comes to widgets.

    I would download and use Firefox till they get the IE bugs worked out and then, if you wish, you can uninstall Firefox and go back to IE.

  • It just occurred to me that I got lost in the underbrush and hollered at the wrong people. I apologize to the members who just try to help each other. Just wait ’til support opens. Grouse, grumble, grrrr.

  • IE is an issue and actually requires “hacks” within the files to trick it into working. IE and MS thumb their noses at the World Wide Consortium web standards and always have.

    Just for grins: IE6 has 114 bugs, IE7 has 124 and IE8 beta is sitting at 71 currently (may go up or down by the time it gets to final release). Firefox and Safari 3.x on the other hand only have 1 each while Opera 9 is sitting at 31.

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