The new WordPress dashboard and widgets

  • Actually it was options reading. On the right of the blue area in the dashboard select settings and then reading.

  • yea, my authors are back up on my page. thanks. is it possible to adjust the size of their pics like on the comments widget? the pics of the authors are kinda huge now.

  • I don’t see any way to make them smaller. Are they larger than they were with the old version?

  • I really don’t like the new dashboard – bring back the previous version please – it so much more user friendly.

  • I’m not able to link to a website in a new post within the new dashboard. A box pops up on the screen, which I presume is to insert a link, but it’s blank! I really do hate this new dashboard. Why has WordPress updated it without giving us the choice of sticking with the last one.

  • Put your pointer on the blank box, right click and select reload or refresh frame and that will take care of the problem.

  • <i>I don’t see any way to make them smaller. Are they larger than they were with the old version?</i>

    yes, they are larger.

  • I looked at your blog, and you are right they are huge. They can be made smaller with the paid CSS upgrade, but I think it would be a good idea for WP to provide a setting on the widget to select a smaller size like they do with the recent comments widget. I would contact support and ask them to provide a way to make them smaller on the widget.

  • I haven’t used my blog for months, and I’m not the most technically adept person. So now that something seems to have changed I can’t figure out even how to upload an image (into my sidebar) – I always use the FAQ help post but it’s telling me to click on things that no longer seem to exist. Should I just wait… I’m sure I’m not going to get smarter if I do but is something happening with the dashboard that might help me?

  • Image uploading is now available in the “Add Media” section just above the editor.

    I’m looking into the comment author image size thing.

    We can’t run with different versions on different blogs – it’s all or nothing.

  • Well, look… I really appreciate that wordpress is trying upgrade itself to provide better service for the community. However, I really hope that the team can just restore things back to normal. And I’d need the ‘comment edit’ tool back as well; which should be our liberty restored for our blogs’ managing.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am really happy that the team is thinking of making things better for the community. But since, if the community really wants something, just retain that. I find the old version pretty cool, the new version is nice, but I for one is quite used to that environment.


  • Avatar size in the authors widget should be back to normal now.

  • It still looks pretty big to me. But the title is fixed.

  • scopettg: the comment edit tool is still there. Just click on the comment author’s name when you’re looking at one on the Comments tab.

  • Just adding my bit. I really would like to be able to drag/move widgets from one sidebar to another when I go for a three column template as I just did at

  • Um, I kind of worked that out, but it is a pain having to recreate things like RSS feeds and text widgets each time you move them from one bar to another. BTW I do like the new look mostly.

  • Thank you thesacredpath!

  • I can’t put any code in Text widgets, it will gone after I saves the code, and saves the change.

  • I have some coding which has appeared above my ‘Recent comments’ widget, since the changes. How do I get it to display properly again?

  • Maybe the post editor needs looking at. Clicking that “indent margins” icon doesn’t do the same thing that it used to. Or is that just on my modified Sandbox?
    Also, I’ve always referred back to other pages on my blog with “?p=[number]”. This doesn’t seem to work any more.

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