The navigation block linked to my bio page won’t showing up

  • I’m very new to and I’m frustrated with the site editor because it specifically is refusing to show my bio page link in the header on the live site view. In the site editor I added a navigation block linking to my bio page ( to the header and hit save and it’s in my header in the site editor but it refuses to show up when I actually view the site no matter how much I refresh. I tried clearing my browser cache and restarting my computer and the issue is still hapenning, and now in the site editor the navigation block for my bio says bio (invalid) with a blue squiggle line under it. Please help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there @chaseallen2000 !

    Thank you for reaching out about this!

    I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had this difficulty. There are two things that I can suggest trying.

    1. Add test content to the ‘Bio’ page and save it, then remove the ‘Bio’ page link from the menu in the Navigation Block and re-add it, then save the update.
    2. Alternatively, go to the ‘Header’ template part and remove the entire menu, by deleting that Navigation Block, and adding it once more and updating the Header template part (pattern) by saving it. To get to that template part (pattern), head to Appearance → Editor → Patterns, and select your header beneath ‘All template parts’.

    For general guidance though, on adding or editing the Navigation Block or editing the related template parts, you can review the links below:

    I hope this has been helpful, but feel free to reach out if you have any further questions!

  • I tried the first thing and it worked, thanks!

  • Hello there @chaseallen2000!

    I tried the first thing and it worked, thanks!

    That is fantastic! Thank you for letting me know. :)

Reply to The navigation block linked to my bio page won’t showing up