The modlook tag

  • It seems to be being used for every post that mentions

    The tag probably will not be used by people looking and if it starts to appear in the tags list someone will ask for it to be removed (like last time) so it’s use seems odd.

    If the purpose is for the thread to be removed that will cause problems – people will return, not find their post (because it was answered, modlooked and deleted) and will post again. They then get yelled at because they didn’t see the reply even though they probably could not have seen it. So stress levels all round go up.

    Unless it has an email address in it I cannot quite see the point of using the modlook tag.

  • The point is not to have the thread deleted, but to have a staff member tell them to go to the right forum, then it’d be up to that staff member to close or delete such the thread. Until you guys take care of this issue, some of us believe that it’d be better if you tell the .org users where to go.

    I also wrote a thread with a possible solution to this. I bet you’ve read it, but if you haven’t, here it is.

    BTW, I think that part of that solution would be to remove the “Register” link from the forums. Obviously, if someone has a blog, that person is already registered and the only thing that that person would need to do is to login in case he/she is not.

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