The Journalist v1.3

  • I’m starting this blog (mastigadesign), and used an old one (ghostalking) as a template using “The Journalist v1.3” theme, doing all the formating accordingly (image size, etc.).

    As it happens, as I was about to uptade things on the new blog I find out that the Theme i was using simply vanished! It was apparently replaced for this “The Journalist v1.7”. But it’s column width, etc. are completely different (unusable).

    Is there any way to use this theme here (transfering it from the other blog?

    I can’t see any other theme as interesting as this one (not the updated version, that’s for sure)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • No, sorry there is not. About two months ago staff said that Journalist 1.3 would be going away. It shows up for older blogs (set up before the announcement) in the dashboard, but it does not show up for any new blogs created after that point. That was to prevent people starting to use it and then having it pulled out from under them in a short period of time.

    1.3 is a very old theme and I expect it is requiring a great amount of tinkering just to keep it working with the latest versions of wordpress.

  • I should have edited the following:

    “That was to prevent new bloggers from starting to use it and then having it pulled out from under them in a short period of time.”

  • Thanks for the fast reply!

    Well, it’s just a pity, as there isn’t any option as good (clean, simple) as “Journalist 1.3.” Not even close (version 1.7 has a quite different organisation and a border around the images, it’s just something i’m not interested in using).

    It’s back to scratch. For the time being i’m publishing in the old domain, until i find another solution here (i’ll have to dig deeper) or elsewhere =/
    (it’s not very comfortable not knowing when layouts are going away… i understand that it makes sense for wordpress, technically and/or otherwise, but not for me)


  • For clean, light-colored, journalistic type themes, you might look at Pilcrow, Coraline, Oulipo, Wu Wei, or Neutra.

  • Thanks again!

    I’ll be sticking to the adress i had and keep on using Journalist 1.3 there (it’s really good for what i want =), weighting adresss vs. formatting i chose formatting.

    I’ll be looking into those themes, but i saw all available and didn’t find anything as good for me as the Journalist 1.3.

    With time maybe i’ll look into sandbox options… trying to avoind wasting too much time though (i need to use all the time for content creation =)


  • Sorry to barge in here but this is the only thread remotely connected to my issue. I’ve been out of the country for a couple of months and want to do some new blog posts. I have Journalist 1.3.

    It seems to be up and running but different…for example the photo sizes have changed. The largest size image I was able to post previously was 800x ?.
    Now there is a 1024 x 682 size but if I select it my second column is covered by the image.

    Any suggestions or direction you can point me in would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • No, nothing’s different: the widest you should insert was, and still is, 720px; the widest you could insert was, and still is, unlimited (= stretching past the right border of the main column if wider than 720).

    When you are about to insert an image, you get four size options: Thumbnail, Medium, Large and Full Size. The first three are meant as your personal defaults: the dimensions they display are determined by what you’ve set in Settings > Media, if the original you upload is larger (if the original is smaller than the default you’ve set for one of those options, that option will be blank). The Full Size option is determined by the theme, and it’s meant to limit images to the appropriate maximum (so that it won’t cover the sidebar or be partially hidden by it or break the theme): Full Size displays that appropriate maximum, if the original is wider, or the actual dimensions of the original, if the original is narrower.

    The originals in your latest published post are 720px wide, so you wouldn’t see a (wider) Large option after uploading them. Now you probably tried to insert a 1024×682 original, and the settings for your Large option are larger than that, so you did see those dimensions (as your Large, not your Full Size, option).

  • Thanks a lot for the quick reply.

    You are correct, I saw 1024 as the Large option when I was playing around with the post, before sizing the image in photoshop.

    I figured out that my other images are all 720 and went with that (full size) for the new post so it would match.

    Too bad I can’t use 1024×682 and still have the sidebar but 720 is fine I guess.

  • It is a pity that The Journalist v1.3 is no longer available. It is/was the cleanest theme, no decoration, no ornament, just the basic needs. That’s what I like.
    No chance to reactivate it?

  • oh no! i just started using it a week ago and i love it. more than any other blog theme/format i’ve used. it’s so clean, uncluttered and professional looking. please don’t take this away! i came here looking for an answer to a small issue but i’m not even concerned with that now. i hate what i’m reading here… please don’t take this beautiful theme away!

  • Please read what’s stated above by Volunteers answering forum questions and know that the answers have not changed. If you wish to share your feedback with Staff here’s the link.

  • @faireunvoeu
    Please read above. The theme is not available to new users. You are already using the theme so this does not affect you.

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