The ‘jetpack-subscriptions’ plugin has encountered an error and cannot be run.

  • Since two days ago, this message pops up every time I try to write on the blog.

    The ‘jetpack-subscriptions’ plugin has encountered an error and cannot be run.

    I am not an installation type blog user, but a subscription type blog user. Of course, I didn’t install any plugins.

    I would like to know how to solve it. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • jetpack-subscriptions Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

  • Hi there,

    I’m not sure I was able to spot this issue by visiting your site. Is this an issue when you edit existing blog posts as well? Or only something you see when creating a new post? Can you share a screenshot of the error message? You can use an image block in your reply to share that so we can see it. Thanks!

  • I got same issue – I use and the same message(in Korean because I use Korean character setting) I write a new post or edit an existed post.

    The error message shown is like below(in Korean):

  • Hi @jasonryu

    Thank you for the screenshot. I checked your account, but the error did not show up on me. Could you help me with the following so that we can troubleshoot this further?

    1. Do you see this every time you open a new post screen or just intermittently?
    2. Do you see this on every post you try to edit? If you see it only on some posts, could you share the link to those posts?
    3. Could you try clearing your browser cache or temporarily using a different browser to see if the error message shows up there at all? Here’s how to clear your browser cache:

    Please let us know how it goes. Thanks!

  • Hi @aisajib

    Thank you for quick response.

    I tried your suggestion and…

    • I see the message everytime when I open a new post screen.
    • It’s same to every editting screen.
    • I cleared browser cache but same message occurs.
    • I tried suggestions on Chrome browser (which I mainly use) but nothing changed, and it’s same to Safari browser.

    This is the result so far.


  • Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching back out and providing those screenshots there.

    Can you provide a link to an example post of where you’re experiencing those messages please?

    The reason being is that wouldn’t require any Jetpack subscriptions, so I’m curious as to where they could appearing.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • The topic ‘The ‘jetpack-subscriptions’ plugin has encountered an error and cannot be run.’ is closed to new replies.