The free domain creadit

  • While upgrading to a paid plan, we get a domain credit to register and use a domain name with our website. Here two things are in play – one domain name and two domain mapping of this domain name to my website.

    Can I break this clubbed component into two separate parts? i.e. Register the domain name but use it with an external host while mapping an already registered domain name with my upgraded site?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I am also tagging this thread for the support staff to know their views on this requirement/ idea/ suggestion.

  • Hi there,

    This is not possible, no. The mapping action is part of the domain upgrade, and cannot be used to map a different domain.

  • I understood it to mean either/or and not both.

    From reading the support docs, it seems it’s also possible to register an additional domain name through without any connection to an upgrade plan. I’m just not clear on whether you have to map that domain to the same site or whether it can be used with an external host.

  • @mojourner

    I understood it to mean either/or and not both.

    That is correct.

    But there is always a mapping aspect involved, even if the domain is registered here – mapping refers to the action of connecting a domain to a server on which a site’s files are installed. The OP’s question is if that mapping action can be used for a different domain if the domain registered with us is being hosted elsewhere, in other words, use the domain credit in a plan to register one domain that points elsewhere, AND map a domain that’s already registered at a different registrar, and it cannot. There’s no way to split the domain credit in a plan so you can use it on two different domains.

    From reading the support docs, it seems it’s also possible to register an additional domain name through without any connection to an upgrade plan

    It’s possible to register a domain without any connection to a site via

    Register a Domain Without Creating a Site

    But if a domain is registered for a specific site or connected to a site after being registered at the above link, it will require a plan.

    Any domain purchased at can be used at any hosting provider that allows mapping via name servers or A records. Whether or not you need a plan depends on whether you buy the domain on the Domains Only page, or via the My Sites dashboard for a specific site.

  • Thanks, @kokkieh for your answers.

    It’s possible to register a domain without any connection to a site via

    Register a Domain Without Creating a Site

    Does this mean that offers only domain name registrations also but doesn’t publicize this?

  • Does this mean that offers only domain name registrations also but doesn’t publicize this?

    Not sure what you mean. It’s by no means a secret – I gave you a link to the public support doc, after all.

  • I gave you a link to the public support doc, after all.

    No doubt about this, @kokkieh. What I meant was that when I visit, I see “Websites | Blogs | Features | Pricing | News | Support” but no “Domains” ;-)

  • The marketing team is likely running a test where some people see the option and some don’t to see if it makes a difference in sign-ups. That is a common practice with online services.

    As this isn’t really a support issue I’m closing this thread now.

  • Thanks for your above answer to my question as well and doing some poking around answered my other question so I didn’t need to bother you with it. :)

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