The colour customisation button for my site (Pilcrow theme) is not working. Please advise.

  • How do I modify the background colour for my site? It was not a premium feature and I wanted to change it periodically. I find the background and header images can be changed, but the colour map feature is gone. Can this be restored?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • When in the Customizer’s Colors & Background, if you encounter the notice “This feature is a part of the Premium Plan” click the “exit the preview” link in that notice and the Customizer should reload.

    Open the Colors & Backgrounds section again and then you will also see a link to “You can also pick your own color” that will open the color map.

    This works for background colors. To the best of my knowledge, currently there is no way to change the header text color with an upgrade.

  • First a correction:

    To the best of my knowledge, currently there is no way to change the header text color without an upgrade

    I was successfully able to change the background color on my own test site using Pilcrow and you can see it here for the next 24 hours:

    Did you encounter an error or difficulty while following the directions I gave above? Please let me know.

    For some additional help, I captured a series of screenshots of the process of changing the theme’s background color with the color map tool AFTER you click “exit the preview” and the Customizer reloads. You can see them here

    Again, please refrain from opening additional threads on the same topic as this makes it difficult to track progress. Thanks!

    Let me know if you need further help on this topic or as timethief indicated in the additional thread you opened, you may add the MODLOOK tag to the Tags section of this forum thread for Staff assistance.

  • Hi there,

    You can change your background color in your site’s Customizer, in the Colors & Backgrounds section, using the steps justjennifer shared in these screenshots:

    If that doesn’t work for you, please let me know exactly what you tried and where you ran into trouble. That way I can look into that issue for you. :)

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