The classic editor is gone – how to bring it back

  • I am so disappointed to find the block editor as default. When going through the plugins to change back to the classic editor it seems like I need a business plan to use the classic editor. I don’t have a business plan. After login today I got the message that I can change back to classic if I don’t want the block editor. But how?
    The online guides is outdated and doesn’t make sense according to the new design.
    Thanks for any help!

  • Hi there, with the move to the Block Editor as default at MySites on (you can read more about that in this blog post), you should be able to:

    1. Use the Classic Block at MySite>Site>Posts which emulates the Classic Editor experience, as described here:

    2. Or navigate to your WPcom site’s WP Admin dashboard ( and use the Classic Editor there

    If you don’t see those options, please post back and let us know.

  • Hi! :) Thanks for answering, but unfortunately this doesn’t solve my problem .

    1. I know about the Classic Block but that is not any good. The block design are still there and makes everything extremely messy to work with.

    2. The classic editor- element isn’t showing in my menues, maybe because I don’t have a business plan. I have been through all the menues to find a way to turn it back on.

    So I am looking for the 3. option. :) If it exists.

    I don’t know when WordPress redesigned and removed the classic editor, but it was still there in may/june. But now all classic editor elements has dissapeared from my menus in my blog settings and in WPAdmin…

  • Hello again, What Editor do you see at (replace yoursite with your own WPcom site’s address)

    If you previously had the Classic Editor active in the MySite Editor interface, you should see the Classic Editor in WP Admin (temp screenshot)

    Please let us know if you don’t see that.

  • Hi there,

    When you navigate to your wp-admin dashboard and click to edit one of your posts or pages, are you not seeing the classic editor? That is what I am logged into your site from my end:

  • In order to write a new post, I go to the site view and click on the Write button at top right.

    In order to edit a post, I click on Edit underneath it. The opportunity to edit in html is no longer offered, cannot switch between visual and test where text means html.

    Typically when writing or editing a post I need the option to enlarge an image using and optimise the layout on the page using html then switch back to visual to see how it looks.

    My point here is that the “classic editor” now offered is not the same as it was, and WordPress interferes with my html code so that I have no control.

    I don’t think you have a solution. I am simply registering this protest on behalf of the many others like myself who cannot use WordPress any more.

    On my main site I have more than 800 published posts in the long process of revision: recategorizing, correcting errors, improving layout etc.

    I thought my site and ownership of its content to update at will was permanent. Now the best I can hope for is that it be embalmed in an unsatisfactory state, the project of years ruined.

  • I was trying in the above to show the use of the construction [a href=”someURL.jpg”][img src=”someURL.jpg”][/a]. Please replace [ with < and ] with > to see what I mean.

  • Essentially I don’t think WordPress has a solution for non-business users to continue maintaining their sites. For no good reason, WordPress has lost goodwill across the globe.

  • The new editor couldn’t be worse, and the lack of a way to getting back the very good and elegant old editor is shameful.

    You guys had once the best blogging tools on the Web, and God knows why you made this pitiful change.

    Particularly, I don’t like novelties, other than those I write on my posts.

    If nothing changes in the next hours, I’m considering deleting the blog after transferring it to another host.

    Thank you for the good times I had here until now.

  • The new editor couldn’t be worse, and the lack of a way to getting back the very good and elegant old editor is shameful.

    You guys once had the best blogging tools on the Web, and God knows why you made this pitiful change.

    Particularly, I don’t like novelties, other than those I write on my posts.

    If nothing changes in the next hours, I’m considering deleting the blog after transferring it to another host.

    Thank you for the good times I had here until now.

  • Well said, I just experimented with pasting the html of one post on to blogger. It works but I’m told you can’t transfer the entire site content without losing all images & other restrictions. I’d be interested in knowing how you’d do it, and to what host.

  • @rochereau

    In order to write a new post, I go to the site view and click on the Write button at top right.

    Then don’t do that anymore. Use the classic editor which is still available in wp-admin.

  • The whole point of this complaint is not being able to do things any more, The so-called “classical editor” is very different from the editor I’ve used for many years and makes it impossible to do lots of things, such as offering the choice to enlarge an image simply with an appropriate link.

  • Then don’t do that anymore. Use the classic editor which is still available in wp-admin.
    not working for me anymore

  • I also cannot find the classic editor in admin/settings/writing.
    Completely agree with the others that BLOCK blows chunks and is 100% useless for me.
    Why does WordPress hate its customers?

  • Besides Blogger what is a good alternative?

  • There was a default way to write blog posts last week.

    (I dont know if that is the “classic editor” or if it has some other name.)

    Is there a way to write a post like that now? Is it possible to bring that back? I can’t figure out how to do that through the WP admin tab. I’m not sure if it is supposed to be possible that way or not.

    I would really like to do it the old way. It was simpler.

  • It is no longer possible to select the classic editor as the default option. Using the Write button in the admin bar or the editor in My Sites will now always go to the block editor.

    To use the classic editor, you’ll need to go to WP-Admin first every time.


    offering the choice to enlarge an image simply with an appropriate link.

    To do this in the block editor, insert an image via the image block. Then click on the image, and click the link icon in the block toolbar. Select Media File in the options that appear:


    I also cannot find the classic editor in admin/settings/writing.

    There is no setting for the classic editor. It can only be used by navigating directly to WP-Admin -> Posts and creating a new post from there.

    If you previously had your site set to the classic editor in My Sites, clicking the Add New button on that page at this point should automatically launch the classic editor for you. If that doesn’t happen, please open your own thread and include a link to your site so we can take a look.

  • Thanks, Kokkieh. The trouble is that when I’m in classic editor from wp-admin, the block toolbar is not available to me. So if I want to enlarge an image, I have to copy its url while in the classic editor, then find the same post on the blog itself, go into edit and then add the same url as a link, so that the reader may click on the image to see it full size. When you have 800 posts, each in the process of being revised, enhanced and recategorized, this is an awfully tedious procedure.

    I guess it’s the same hassle when writing a new post. In addition, I believe that the recently updated wordpress while permitting all html generated in the old version, interferes more extensively with the text-mode html than it used to, so the user has less control, and may be unable to modify old posts because they are not in line with the new mechanism. I can’t give examples because it’s all above my head. I knew exactly where I was before after years of learning and practice but now I fear I’m bottom of the class again, too old a dog to learn new tricks. I would like to concentrate exclusively on content and not how to use the tools.

    I do recognize that the new block editing may be simpler than the old for those who don’t work and think automatically in html when laying out a post. I suppose I’m in a minority. But this is all saddening and discouraging.

    I hopes this clarifies a bit how the classic editor concession is just about workable but triples the effort required for some of us.

  • Are you positive you can’t do what you want to do with images via the wp-admin classic editor? Highlighting an image and clicking the pencil/edit button gives you lots of options (even advanced options).

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