That cute tilted photo trick we saw in year end stat e-mails

  • Remember those little e-mails that told us all that we were doing such a great job with our blogs?
    Remember how the image from our blog had a cute tilt to it, yet the tilt was executed with code- not a rotated image with extra white around it?

    How can we do that on our blogs by ourselves?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It is an advanced CSS3 thing and is stripped out by the wordpress editors (as in not yet supported). The main reason it isn’t supported is because browser support for it is spotty at best. This is the important part below, but as I say, we cannot use it here right now.

    <div style="-webkit-transform:rotate(2deg); -moz-transform:rotate(2deg);">
    <img src="URL_of_image" alt="" />
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