Thank you for bringing back views stats!

  • I was very disappointed when view stats were no longer showing under published posts. They were very helpful in getting a real time sense of how well your blog was doing overall in terms of audience engagement (whether it was picking up speed among readers or losing momentum).

    Please don’t change a thing!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Where do you find the “view stats” that you refer to? I haven’t noticed any changes of that sort.

  • When you look at the list of published posts under your account, there’s a little stat underneath each title that says how many people recently viewed each entry within the past 30 days. These stats was there for the longest time, then disappeared a few months ago. Now they’re back.

    Go to your account, click “Blog Posts,” then click the Published tab. You’ll see a list of all published posts, the time stamp of when they were published, and a stat that says something like “10 Recent Views” or “3 Recent Views.”

  • Thanks!

    there’s a little stat underneath each title that says how many people recently viewed each entry within the past 30 days.

    I don’t find that.

    and a stat that says something like “10 Recent Views” or “3 Recent Views.”

    Not found.

  • and a stat that says something like “10 Recent Views” or “3 Recent Views.”

    I’m sorry, I do see that! Thought you’d been referring to a graphic, some kind of chart. Thanks again.

  • I hadn’t noticed that before. Instead I frequently consult the Top Posts & Pages and Clicks sections of the stats page to see where visitors are going. Also, I use the old wp-admin stats, rather than the stats at My Sites.

  • @minababe,

    I’ll be sure to pass your thanks along to the developers who worked on it.

    We weren’t able to bring back the full stats like it was before, but it will now show views for the last 30 days on posts in that list. This was a necessary compromise, as fetching full stats for every post on that list each time was causing very real performance problems for our system.

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