Text formatting issues from new theme (Sinatra)

  • I recently updated my theme to Sinatra and have a few formatting issues, all on mobile viewing.

    Use this link for an example on mobile (https://life-half-full.com/under-15-top-10-best-cheap-eats-in-bentonville/)

    1. The perforated feature puts some words on different lines between letters
    2. The footer goes beyond the parameters of the size BUT does not do this on the pages – just the blog posts

    Some of the text formatting issues are on the front page (life-half-full.com) Again, just on mobile viewing.

    1. The column format does not give space for all the words on the “about me, resources and best I ever had” section
    2. The “follow me on Instagram” text is formatting strangely with similar problems with the text breaks

    I have tried adding CSS for the sizing with the following:
    .wp-block-preformatted {
    word-break: break-word;

    #main #content-wrap {
    padding-left: 20px !important;
    padding-right: 20px !important;

    None of these CSS pieces are resolving any of the issues. It seems to perhaps we a couple of things that need to be fixed to get the mobile working properly with the formatting.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    To get help with that theme, please post in their support forum over at WordPress.org:


    For help with the WordPress software, you can post in these forums:


    Please note that we’re WordPress.com, the hosting platform, which is different than the WordPress software that your site is using. You can learn more about these differences here:

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

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