text formatting

  • I cut and pasted several paragraphs of text from an email into a text block on my untitled page (left-hand column). The line breaks are all wrong and I can’t tab or indent the beginning of each paragraph. I tried pasting the text into MS Word and clearing the formatting, but that didn’t work. There are still drastically different line lengths with no rhyme or reason to where the text stops. I don’t want to retype the whole thing but I don’t know what else to do.

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  • Hey there,

    I cut and pasted several paragraphs of text from an email into a text block …. There are still drastically different line lengths with no rhyme or reason to where the text stops.

    I’ve seen some email clients add their own line breaks. I’m guessing that’s where that’s coming from.

    If you copy and paste from the email into a plain text editor (such as Notepad), do the line breaks there correspond with the random breaks you’re seeing? If so, check to see if your text editor has a find and replace, and whether you can copy and paste the line break into the “Find” box, to replace with a space. Just be sure not to “replace all” because you’ll still want to keep the intentional breaks.

    Then you can copy and paste that from the text editor into whatever block you need in WordPress.

  • That doesn’t appear to work. I tried doing it in MS Word, but there’s nothing to copy and paste (or at least it won’t let me select the line break. I will try it in another program, but the problem is many of the line breaks are following a hyphen in a hyphenated word, so I don’t want to have a space there. Others come after the first letter of a word, so obviously I don’t want a space there, either.

  • I tried pasting an excerpt from the draft into this message, but when I paste it into this message, the formatting is corrected:
    “Postmillennial viewers may find the werewolves in the 1981 classic The Howling not realistic enough (forgetting that a realistic werewolf is a contradiction in terms), but the film goes other werewolf movies one better, replacing the usual mystery of who the monster is with a conspiracy tale of a secret society and a reporter in over her head, with genre superstar Dee Wallace leading a great cast. Pairing it with the witty, superbly-shot American Werewolf in London makes for a double-feature with bite.”

    I thought, “OK, I’ll try and use this forum to correct the formatting,” but it’s not working for another paragraph I’ve tried it with:

    “Before Michael Myers was even a gleam in the eye of John Carpenter, a then unknown filmmaker named George Romero made a low-budget masterpiece that ushered in a new age of horror movies and eventually gave birth to a pop culture phenomenon. Released in 1968, Night of the Living Dead was shown with an X rating due to (non-sexual) nudity and cannibalism.  Tension-packed, bleak, and shocking, the film haunted drive-ins and grindhouse cinemas for years before its influence was realized and embraced.”

  • That sounds somewhat normal.

    WordPress is an HTML editor, MS Word is a rich text editor.

    Essentially they’re two different languages. We do our best to “translate” on paste, but we can’t promise 100% accuracy.

    Generally, I recommend simply writing the posts here, or if you want more of a desktop app feel, we do have one of those too: https://apps.wordpress.com/desktop/

    We also have some extensive documentation available at https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/

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