Text Alignment Not Continuing?

  • So I just noticed recently that for some reason when I hit “enter” to start a new paragraph it returns the text alignment to the left. I write my posts with the center alignment. It used to be that I hit enter and I am still aligned in the center, but it doesn’t anymore
    (I hope that all makes sense)
    I mean I can just write the posts in the left alignment format and change it all to center when it’s done but it just seems so odd and confusing as to why that is what I need to do.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I got your meaning. Though I’m not sure if it used to be like that a cursor remains center in visual editor even when you click “Enter” and start a new line, however, all you have to do to center texts for your post currently is just writing the posts in the left alignment format and changing it all to center at the end. What you are doing now is pretty correct though it looks odd for you.

    I hope this info helps you.

  • I understand this is what I have to do now but is it extremely annoying and I was wondering if there was any way to change that. It did use to be if I hit center alignment, it stayed center alignment when I started a new paragraph. I don’t understand the sudden change to how blog posts are written, or why.
    Writing for 6 years using center alignment and now having to go left alignment is just frustrating. But I am assuming your response means there is no way to change it back to how it used to be.

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