Tenaz theme templates are not usable

  • Tenaz theme on the home page does not include the entire blog. I need a page that will contain ALL my posts and have arrows to more posts, like an archive page. I think I have solved this here, finally: https://earthhope.net/archives/ but it looks terrible because I had to create it myself instead of using anything WP/Tenaz created. The templates that are in my template page (appearance>editor>templates) including “index” and “blog home” are all un-usuable as they don’t show up in the template dropdown on a new page>settings>page>template. “Blog home” was a nice out-of-the-box template available under Appearance>Editor>Templates>Add template but even though I added it, it doesn’t are not in my template dropdown menu.I can only add a template to my template dropdown by creating a new custom template.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Tenaz theme on the home page does not include the entire blog. I need a page that will contain ALL my posts and have arrows to more posts, like an archive page.

    Do you want that to be on the home page?

    I’d recommend against showing all posts (or at least all posts with images) on a single page load; right now it would be okay, but as your site grows that could get cumbersome to download. But you can certainly use something that shows some posts and gives the option to load more.

    If you want it on the home page, how would you feel about maybe replacing the “Trending” section with more posts and some pagination (links for more posts)? You can change the name from trending. Or you could put a section below that.

    Let us know too whether you want that on the front page or in a separate page for archives.

  • For what it’s worth, in testing this on my test site, here’s what I would do if I were setting up my blog with Tenaz:

    • I would set that first block to “Sticky Only” and one post. The four posts next to it would also get “Sticky Only” treatment. And I’d be sure to always have five sticky posts ready.
    • I would replace “Trending” with some other title, exclude stickies, and add pagination.

    That would functionally set up the site so readers can load as many posts as they’d like. If that sounds good to you, let us know and we’ll help!

  • And one more reply to address the blog/archive template not working as expected: thanks for that. I’ll do more testing on that here and get the feedback surfaced with the right team.

    From what I can see, it looks like Tenaz is meant to have the front page set up to show blog posts (that’s how the demo is set up) but you’re right, without pagination, that makes older articles harder to access. It looks like they’ve made it to link to categories instead (people do tend to like that) and in the demo that’s working well, but it also needs pagination.

  • Thank you for looking into it. I don’t want the whole blog on my home page. I do want people to be able to find old posts. I understand that Tenaz tried to accomplish that with categories. I want a page like this one but I wish I could have created it with the provided templates instead of me creating a custom template. Because my template dropdown menu did not originally show up, it actually took many days and hours of contacting support, bot conversations, email convos, support docs, etc just to create this.

    It just seems like a basic functionality that should come with a blog template.

  • I don’t understand why “index” and “blog home” even show up in our template list if they aren’t usable.

  • Alright, I’m finding you’ve got quite a few templates, and some of them are used based on priority rather than template selection:

    Front Page: Displays your site’s homepage, whether it is set to display latest posts or a static page. The Front Page template takes precedence over all templates.

    Blog home: Displays the latest posts as either the site homepage or as the “Posts page” as defined under reading settings. If it exists, the Front Page template overrides this template when posts are shown on the homepage.

    All Archives: Displays any archive, including posts by a single author, category, tag, taxonomy, custom post type, and date. This template will serve as a fallback when more specific templates (e.g. Category or Tag) cannot be found. (note, I’m not sure how your separate archives page comes into play here; it may be best to use and customize this built-in template for now)

    Index: Used as a fallback template for all pages when a more specific template is not defined.

    Given this, if you want the front page to display the Front Page template, and your posts to display the Blog Home template, use these steps. And note the index template probably won’t be used because you’ve got the Blog Home and All Archives option to use instead.

    1. Publish a page called Home. The Front Page template is going to override anything you’ve got on that page, so leave it blank.
    2. You already have an archives page published.
    3. Go to https://earthhope.net/wp-admin/options-reading.php
    4. Select your Home page for the front page, and the Archives page for posts.

    Can you try that and confirm whether that’s what you’re hoping for?

  • Thanks for your help. You have been a very attentive support person. I’m not sure if my question is coming across clearly. I’m not able to use the “blog home” or “all archives” template. They don’t appear in my template dropdown. Same with “index.” Thus the title of this forum post.

    So, RE: “And note the index template probably won’t be used because you’ve got the Blog Home and All Archives option to use instead.”

    To make my question very specific, how would I, for example, go about using the “all archives” template if it doesn’t show up in my template dropdown? In the dropdown shown below, both “blog” and “archives” are templates I custom created. Thank you.

  • PS, before I created those two custom templates, I didn’t even have a dropdown menu, so it was frustrating when support would say “go to your template dropdown menu.”

  • @supernovia since you are involved with Tenaz theme, here is another forum topic I created. I’m not trying to create extra work, I just don’t know how to get all this feedback across. It’s been a weird trip getting pointed to places that don’t exist for me.


  • @supernovia

    RE: I’ll find out more about this. In the meantime, this page shows the archives template:


    Yes, this looks nice. How did you get this? Did you build it or was it somewhere and you fetched it? I feel like I’m missing something easy among all this complexity and all these instructions.

  • @amandaroyal23 I answered your other thread about menus; no worries, we’ll keep an eye out for those.

    Yes, this looks nice. How did you get this?

    Use these steps:

    1. Publish a page called Home. The Front Page template is going to override anything you’ve got on that page, so leave it blank.
    2. You already have an archives page published.
    3. Go to https://earthhope.net/wp-admin/options-reading.php
    4. Select your Home page for the front page, and the Archives page for posts.

    That should give you the same effect!

    As for why your new templates don’t show up in the drop-down list, I’m sorry for the confusion; some of these features are pretty new. It’s my understanding that when you create a new template, you can choose what it should apply to, or you can choose an option for manually applying that template via drop-down. Honestly the more I’ve gotten to know this new theme and your case, the more I think you might not need that. But I hope this illustration helps.

  • I am afraid to follow your steps 1-4. The template “all archives” that was used for https://earthhope.net/2023/ is not available in any dropdown I have (see image below). As a reminder, the “archives” template listed here in this dropdown is something I created and is no good.

  • I deleted the archives template I created, to avoid confusion. That menu above must represent my page names. Now, here’s my template dropdown:

    RE: As for why your new templates don’t show up in the drop-down list

    That’s not the case. It’s the exact opposite. None of the Tenaz provided templates show up in my dropdown menu (index, blog home, all archives). But any custom template I create (which look bad) will show up in the dropdown. I think that’s why I created this post.

  • @supernovia Hey, so I did your steps 1-4 and I’m not sure how that worked but it did. So, thanks. I’m going to keep looking for a new template, however, because I can’t live with the duplication of posts on the posts page. It just doesn’t look professional. Thanks for all your help in all of this. I learned a lot.

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