
  • I have a web site that I would like to share, I am currently building a store. This site is how I am wanting to do my store, the entire layout,of course I will customize with my products, info etc. I am having problems finding one that works and have spent hours customizing it still not getting where I want to be. The site is https://www.everythingprimitives.com/ If you could let me know if there is a template that will work, how I can get something very similar

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    The site you linked is not using WordPress, but you can create your store here with a plugin like WooCommerce. It’s available on plans Business and eCommerce.

    As for the look of the site, here you can find the themes that would work with a store:


    Of course, on plans Business and eCommerce you’d be able to upload any WordPress-compatible third-party theme so the possibilities are infinite.

    Let me know if you have any more questions regarding that.

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