Technorati Tags

  • Quick question. Are adding Technorati tags worth it? Do you see any traffic from them?

    Also for those who use the ‘more’ tag here. Do you place the tags within what’s above the ‘more’ tag with the into or after the ‘more’ tag with the bulk of the post?


  • And has anyone been able to get their blogs claimed wirth these people? I’m getting an ‘Error: Unclaimable Blog’ message when I try.


  • I haven’t a clue how to use that more tag.

    The Technorati issue: As far as I can tell, no point in including the Technorati tags, at least from my experience.

    I noticed a jump in my readers, looked, and noticed they were from Technorati. Went there and noticed that the category tags that I was appling to the entries appear to be picked up by Technorati as “tags”.

    “Claimed” – I had no problem getting my blog “claimed” by me. Not sure why you get that “unclaimable” message.

  • I had no problem getting the blog claimed. The tags don’t seem to generate that much traffic.

  • I’ve been going back and adding old posts from a previous blog. The system has been probbaly sending out pings like made. (100+ within a day while I was playing catch up) Most of the blogs I’ve seen on the ‘net complaining about issues with Technorati seem to be spam sites. (One had over 1000 links on the page I viewed.)

    Maybe they labeled me a spammer. :shrug: Kind of ironic.

    I did email them requesting someone to take a look at the issue. We shall see.


  • This link May be a good referrence for those who want to add technorati tags

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