technorati, popularity and privacy

  • I went through several of the posts here and still have two questions as I go about trying to get readers to my blog:

    1) I don’t appear on technorati. What am I doing wrong? I did a search under my tags and a general search. I even just wrote out the whole name of it(irskoolblog). But, I haven’t claimed my blog because . . .

    2) I don’t want my first and last name associated with it, at this point. Is there any way to avoid this? Otherwise I would claim it on there. But shouldn’t it appear anyway?


  • I see it.

    2 – Give it bogus information when you fill out the account.

    Technorati appears to have many issues lately. I have a blog listed as not being updated for 2 months now (55 days and three support tickets) and I think I’ve skipped three days in that same time period.

    Remember, it’s a free service. :)

  • Thanks doctor! Yay, I am rank number 1,378,698.

  • The only way is UP ! :-)

  • The funniest thing about Technorati that I read lately was that Microsoft is now fixing bugs more quickly because they’ve discovered Technorati and now want to do searches and see what people are saying about them and their product.

  • Microsoft? Admit to a mismake? Especially ones that have been known for years?

    Hey, look. It’s snowing outside….


  • Did you hear Bill gates stepped down from his daily job today? He hasn’t completely left. I didn’t read the whole thing yet. But it’s snowing hale!

  • All hail the king of gates who will now be finding the time for his personal pursuits which are … [clipping coupons???]

  • He stepped down years ago. He’s only been the CEO for quite some time. Chief Operating Officer has been someone else for quite sometime.

    Aside: I still have a client who has a working copy of Windows 1.0. He has something hardwired that requires it and can’t upgrade.

  • Don’t diss on Gates before considering that now he can give away more of his fortune to organizations in my field … international health and education. Not that I’ve ever gotten a grant from him (yet). I guess it’s kind of like starbucks, actually . . . do the means justify the ends? Not in Starbucks case I would venture, but maybe in Gates’?

  • Not dissing him. The little geek even gave money to my local library back home. Town of about 5k in Maine.

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