Tags and Publish dropped out of place and will not drag and drop

  • “Tags” and “Publish” both somehow I dropped them out of place in the main box and they will not drag and drop back into place. I followed a suggestion to clear my cache but this did not help me .

    I need more help to get them restored back into their right places in the main box.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sorry title is messed up. Should read “Tags and Publish dropped out of place and will not drag and drop”

  • I am currently using Independent Publisher 2. This is a pretty good free theme with all of the WP features, But this theme posts my Tags at the bottom of my posts which are very long, which might make the tags useless. I use .html templates for the institutions I cover and these templates can get very long. I need a theme which will put the tags at the bottom of my created post and not at the bottom of my template.

    Any help will be appreciated.

  • I have looked at many themes using Appearance and used the Demos. They do not answer the question or really tell much about the these, they just display it.

  • “I need a theme which will put the tags at the bottom of my created post and not at the bottom of my template.”

    If you’ve created a specific template for your posts, it’s going to be difficult for anyone to recommend a new theme because we don’t know how your template works and displays.

    Like I mentioned in your other forum post, if you like the overall look of Independent Publisher 2, it’s not a stretch to continue scrolling to the post Tags. If you want the Tags to appear closer to your post, I might suggest turning off “Related Posts” instead. When someone clicks on a Tag, they’re being taken to “related posts” on your site.

    Probably not the answer you wanted to hear.

  • That would be a big help. How do I turn off “Related Posts”? I have looked for a way to do it but can not find how to do it.


  • WP
    Related Posts
    3 min read
    The Related Posts feature pulls relevant content from your blog to display at the bottom of your posts. It uses your post content, tags, and categories to automatically generate a list of relevant posts on your site. Video Tutorial Enable/Disable Related Posts When this feature is enabled, a section of related posts appears just underneath your Sharing Buttons and WordPress.com

    Hopefully, that will give you the results you want.

    In general, our Support site is loaded with this kind of information on “how-to” do things on your site. It’s always worth using the search box there. :)

  • So, here is what I have discovered:

    I tested many themes by activating them. Most were missing one or another WP feature which I use.

    I discovered that I could copy and paste “Tags” into any position I chose in the blog post. Then I could pick up the links to the tags and put links into my relocated tags. I could then go back to the blog post and remove the original tags with no loss of content.

    Both sets of tags-the original tags and the newly positioned and tags were empty of content.

    I tested all of this and it worked perfectly.

    The Independent Publisher 2 theme is complete with all WP features but compared to P2 Classic it produces an ugly post.

    I think it is a shame that P2 Classic was “retired”. It is the most complete and pretty theme I have ever used in WP. I would like to see P2 Classic again made available even if it will not be updated.

    Thanks for all of your help. I will not mark the issue resolved because I consider it an on-going problem and I will continue to push for the re-institution of the P2 Classic theme.

  • You are welcome.

    My 2¢, again: When you removed the sidebar on your site, the media in the content container enlarged to fill the extra width and since you have varying media sizes (or so it seems), the images are a bit unruly.

    Maybe think about revamping the sidebar to make it again useful for your site visitors: Monthly Archives, the Tag Cloud, Recent Posts, the RSS feeds, the subscribe button, etc. can all be added via the Customizer>Widgets on this theme. (Also, your origin story was interesting but better suited to an About page.)

    You can tweak those sidebar widgets in the Customizer and Save them as a Draft so you don’t lose your work. When you are ready to make them public, you’ll then Save Changes. Here’s more on that

    4 min read
    The Customizer is found by navigating to Appearance → Customize in your site’s dashboard. The Customizer is primarily used by classic themes to make changes to your site’s appearance. This guide will explain the most common options found in the Customizer. Theme Support Most of the settings listed in this guide apply to classic themes. Sites using modern block themes will still have some o

    All the best.

  • Thank you very much for all of your help and advice. I will be looking at each of the items you suggested. Thanks for staying wiht me. I appreciate it very much.

  • This is very interesting and disconcerting. I did not purposely remove the side bar. While the “Origin Story is still showing up, the two links for RSS are gone, along with anything else that might have been there which I can no longer even remember. I have looked through the options in Appearance Customizer Widgets and have no idea how to restore what is missing

  • I see also missing is Comments. I have wound up with a real mess, partly my own fault, but partly not.

  • I got back RSS Posts and RSS Comments, but near the bottom of the post and I want them to be near the top, I still have not gotten back Comments.

  • Somehow I just got back “Leave a Reply” which is perfect because I have on all of my templates the line “Comments are invited and will be appreciated, especially if the reader finds any errors which I can correct. Use “Reply”.

    So I am much better off, except that the two RSS buttons are near the bottom and I would like them to be near the top. Also somehow I have an ugly RSS error block which complains “RSS Error: WP HTTP Error: A valid URL was not provided.” I think I earned that error trying to get RSS back. I tried to delete this but have been unsuccessful in doing that.

    Many thanks.

  • The loss of the sidebar was likely due to “I tested many themes by activating them.”

    Earlier sidebar widgets might have moved to the Inactive widgets area at Appearance>Widgets (not in the Customizer). If they are there, drag them back into the Sidebar area at the top of that same dashboard page. If you can’t drag, highlight the inactive widget and in the toolbar that appears, click the squiggly arrow in the toolbar to open a menu that shows where you can move the widget.

    Here again is more on working with Widgets:

    4 min read
    Widget areas are special places on your site that can accept blocks. These vary by theme but are typically areas like your sidebar or footer. 💡 Themes that support the Site Editor do not use widgets, so you won’t see Appearance → Widgets in your dashboard. Instead, you can edit all of your site in one place at Appearance → Editor. Click here to learn how to use the Site Editor.

  • @richardmitnick I merged your two recent threads in to one location here. Please continue to write here rather than open up additional new threads because it will improve your response times.

    Can you tell me more about this?

    “Tags” and “Publish” both somehow I dropped them out of place in the main box and they will not drag and drop back into place.

    How do you want to see this in relationship to your post? Thanks!

  • Hey @staff-zinnia It didn’t relate to this thread on looking for a new theme, but to his earlier thread on issues with Drag & Drop, https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/disaster-strikes-drag-and-drop-in-classic-editors/ when apparently his Classic Editor posting area had dropped to a single column rather than 2 columns. He resolved it.

    However, he’s still hoping to recover P2 Classic on his site: https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/how-toget-back-my-p2-classic-theme/

  • I have received considerable help. Somehow, I dropped out my sidebar and thus lost a number of WP features like RSS buttons, a request for Comments, etc. I have tried to restore the sidebar but even following instructions I have been unable to restore it. I have succeeded in restoring the RSS buttons and a Reply feature to my theme [Independent Publisher 2], but not in the sidebar.

    This all started when somehow I had switched from 2 column to 1 column which I certainly did not do on purpose. In trying to solve the problem myself, I gave up my previous theme [P2 Classic] which has been retired but which I was still using.

    When and how I removed the sidebar I do not know. It might have been while I was testing other themes before settling on Independent Publisher 2. This theme has a good WP feature set and comes with no excess baggage as I had found in other themes.

    I need help in restoring my sidebar. As I said, I have tried to do this following instructions I received but I could not get it done. Also, in attempting to restore the RSS buttons I somehow wound up with “RSS Error: WP HTTP Error: A valid URL was not provided.” I have tried to delete this without success.

    So, all in all, my theme is pretty messed up.

    One of the biggest problems with WP is that if one by mistake touches the wrong spot in the theme, one can be stuck with very bad results, which is what happened to me when I somehow unknowingly and unintentionally switched to 1 column.

    Any help in restoring my sidebar and all of its features will be greatly appreciated.

  • @richardmitnick If we are now back discussing the Independent Publisher 2 theme sidebar (and not what happened to the columns in the Classic Editor itself, which was your earlier forum thread), please see my reply above https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/tangs-and-publish-droppedut-of-place-and-will-not-drag-and-drop/#post-3981719

    The RSS buttons are there in your theme’s sidebar, but it seems like you tried using another widget, the “RSS Block” and that is what is throwing you an error. You can delete that widget from the sidebar to remove it following the guide on Widgets I linked to.

    Honestly, this is getting quite confused.

  • First, yes, quite confused.

    Please re-send “following the guide on Widgets I linked to.”

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