tags on old posts

  • I blogged for awhile without tagging my posts. Can I go back and tag old posts and if so, how?
    Now they are in categories, but clicking categories sends readers elsewhere.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can, but tags and categories here function in exactly the same way.

  • Tags and categories in the widgets link to your local tags and categories pages. Tags above and below the posts link to the wordpress.COM global tags pages. That is how things are designed and for many blogs being listed on the global tags pages means a lot of hits and readers. Also because the tags pages have huge amounts of search engine ranking, you share in that ranking. If you do not want your tags and categories above and below the post you have two options.

    Number one, either set your blog to block search engines at settings > privacy, or set it to private.

    Number two, use the iNove theme which allows you to hide the categories and tags above or below the posts.

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