Tags do not bring up blog

  • Hi, my tags are relevant to my fanfiction blog, but they do not bring up the blog itself. Have you any suggestions as to what I can do to make tags that work better, or to make the ones I have work better? Thanks!

    WP.com: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, I can see your posts on the topics I’ve checked. Can you share where you’re looking and missing those? Also, note the topics and tags are for posts, not your entire blog.

    I can’t really advise what specific tags will be best for your content; you’ll always want to use what’s relevant. And I know I also use tags as much for my own organization as I do for reader content. But, you might try using an alternate version of a tag, and see which one works better. For example:


    It’ll take some experimentation to find the sweet spot. Just be sure you don’t use too many topics on a post: the reader won’t show the post at all if it thinks it’s spam.

    We have more tips on tagging here:

  • Hi, thanks! I followed the links above but I didn’t see my most recent blog post. When I go to Reader, I type in World War II or WW II, and my most recent post doesn’t come up.

    Did you see my recent story post with those tags? I don’t see it, unless I type in Stories of Combat Dog Tags (the full name of the post).

    Do you think five tags is too many? I used World War II, WW II, fanfiction, 1960’s TV shows and combat.


  • I type World War II in the Reader search bar and my most recent blog post, Stories of Combat, does not come up. It’s only one day old, so it should come up, don’t you think?


  • I want to be the reader, a person who comes to the site to read. When they type their interest into the Reader search bar, say, World War II, I want my post to come up, inviting them to read a story in my blog.

    That’s why it’s scary not to see my blog post come up in the Reader search bar. If I can’t find it with World War II or WW II, which is an interest of mine, then no one will be able to find it. If I, as a reader, can’t go to the search bar (at the top of the page, and not in the sidebar), type in World War II or WW II, and find it, no other reader will be able to.


  • Hi there,

    Your most recent post is appearing in tag searches for me without any problems. See:



    Note that to search by tag, you need to use the Tag Search box in the Reader sidebar:


    The Search bar at the top of the Reader doesn’t look at categories or tags on your posts at all. That’s an indexed search similar to what you’d find in a Google search, in other words, it indexes posts based on the post title and key words in the post content, and ranks the content for relevance to specific search terms based on a variety of different factors.

    Your most recent post at https://storiesofcombat.wordpress.com/2022/02/27/stories-of-combat-dog-tags/ makes no mention in either the title or the content of World War II, so it wouldn’t come up for that search term in the Reader.

    In fact, I see your content isn’t in that post at all. The post only contains a two-line summary, linking to a story you published as a static page. The Reader only indexes posts, not static pages, and even search engines like Google consider pages much lower priority than posts. So people aren’t going to find your content if you publish it this way.

    Instead, consider publishing your stories in full as actual blog posts. Then they will get indexed by search engines and the Reader search, and it will be much easier for people to find them.

  • Thanks for your timely answer! How do I publish my whole story as a blog post? Or, in other words, how do I turn the static page into a post? Thanks!

  • There is currently no way to convert a page to a post besides just editing the page, copying the content, and pasting it into a new post.

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