
  • I am trying to add tags to the things that i write

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I think that people are able to add ‘search terms’ or ‘tags’ to posts in order for them to be found by people searching for these ‘tag terms’
    If so, how do I add a tag? How many tags can you add to a piece? SORRY to bother!! But thanks for any help!

  • Hello!

    Thanks for reaching out, and it’s no bother! Tags can be easily added to a new post by using the “Tags” field in the bottom right. Here’s a screenshot that might help: Tags

    You can also add new tags under Posts -> Tags.

    A bit more information on Tags can be found here: https://en.support.wordpress.com/posts/tags/

    Generally you’d want a maximum of 15 tags.

    I hope this helps!

  • Just adding information:

    To add tags to your posts properly, the following support page also helps you :)

    Tagging Tips

    Hope this info helps you with the information provided by @discokoffing.


  • Hummm…well, thanks guys, but it were THAT easy I would not have needed any help! lol My page looks NOTHING like the screen captures you have shown me…there IS NO ‘add tags’ section to the bottom right of ANY screen that I see on my WordPress blog pages…ACK! I would really like book readers to find my book reviews while they’re still current, relevant books, you know?? –Jen from Quebec :0(

  • Hi muppetbaby99!

    Thought I’d jump in here and see if we can get you tagging :)

    The screenshot @discokoffing shared is of the WP Admin. This is one way to do it, but I have a feeling you might be using the main WordPress.com editor. Your tag settings will be located to the right as shown here.

    I took a look at your most recent post and I can see that you have tagged it! These items:


    …are all tags. When one of your readers clicks on any of these, they will be taken to a list of posts with the same tag.

    Does this make sense? Let me know if I can clarify anything further… and happy tagging!

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