Tagline Alignment?

  • Hello,

    I have very little knowledge of CSS, but I’m trying to emulate the Dalston theme for my portfolio. I’ve been successful for the most part, but I’m stuck at one piece of CSS that’s giving me a hard time.

    When I do a “Live demo” I notice there is a separate page for each of the projects on the homepage (Project #1, Project #2, etc). On these pages, when you zoom in and out the image remains aligned to the Tagline at the top of the screen. However, when I try to emulate this page on my own website, the content never remains aligned with the Tagline at the top. How can I go about accomplishing this? Sorry if my question is not detailed enough. I took screenshots but it looks like I can’t upload those. Let me know if more details are needed and I’ll be happy to explain.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Here is the link to the particular page I’m working on. Ideally, the image left-hand edge of the image should remain aligned with the left-hand side of the tagline above when you zoom in and out.

  • Hi there,

    What is the direct URL of the page that you were sharing above? That link you provided does not direct me to the page unless I am logged in as the owner.

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