tag clouds: why doesn't my blog come up?

  • When I search for a tag that I know is in my blog, it doesn’t come up for wordpress as a whole. Is there a setting I need to change? Or is it just because my blog is new?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • When you use WordPress.com search what’s being searched is content. The search engine only indexes the body text of blog posts, pages, and comments. The blog name, post titles, and post/comment author names are not indexed. It can take a few days before new blogs are included in the search index. Brand new blogs might not have enough posts for us to accurately determine whether or not it’s spam.

    The index at search.wordpress.com is updated instantly. If your post doesn’t show up in search results, please make sure … read missing posts and read also missing posts in this global tags entry

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