
  • Hi,

    This is my first blog. I have a very specific set-up in mind and don’t know how to accomplish it – or even if it is possible with a free blog. If any of you could help me approximate the following features I’d greatly appreciate it.

    It will be a group blog, for collaborating on projects and events, as well as discussing ideas, sharing links.

    The home page would just consist of links to the other themed pages and a stream of updates of recent posts on the other pages.

    the other pages is where people would Post, comment and discuss. They will be themed; e.g., Events, Projects, Politics, Technology.
    a regular Blog Post with comment/discussion would be fine. But ideal would be the ability to make in-line comments and in-line edits on the posts of others — something like GoogleWave.

    Can you help me towards this? At this point I can’t even figure out how to make a blog with multiple pages that can be blogged on.

    Thank You,


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The best you can do here is use P2 theme.

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