switching premium theme to a different blog

  • Hi, I need to switch my Gridspace theme from one of my blogs to another. It is currently on hurricanelil.wordpress.com, and i want to change it to kentuckymoonherbals.wordpress.com. Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Howdy! It’s not possible to switch premium themes between blogs, however, since you’re within the 30-day refund limit, you can initiate a refund for the the theme on the hurricanelil blog, and re-purchase the theme on the kentuckymoonherbals blog.

    To initiate a refund for Gridspace, head to the Dashboard -> Store -> My Upgrades. You’ll see a button to cancel your purchase.

    If you have further questions, please post them over in the Premium Themes forums and one of our premium themes gurus would be happy to help you. :)


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