Switching Accounts

  • I have two separate accounts for WP, to effectively enable two different author pseudonyms and suitable personalities for them and keep them appropriate for each style of blog.
    Is there ever going to be an easier way of switching between these accounts (sometimes I post a new post on the same day on each and want to keep an eye on comments etc for both) other than completely logging off one account and in to the other constantly?
    I have separate Twitter accounts for each ‘author’, switching between them there is a lot easier!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We can pass the suggestion on to the team. But to be honest, it is a feature with a limited enough demand that I’m not sure that it would make the todo list in the near future.

    What I (and most employees here) do is to keep different accounts open in different browsers. Firefox for my work account, Safari for my personal account, and Chrome for my testing account.

  • Ah… Well asking the question has at least given me a good workaround that I hadn’t thought of trying myself (doh!). Too loyal to my Firefox…
    Thank you, appreciate your answering.

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