Suits Theme – CSS – header titles that change color when hover

  • I have been tweaking my CSS for the Suits theme for that last four days. I’ve got everything to the way I want it, except the header/entry titles. I consider myself very CSS savvy, and can usually find and fix these sort of things. But I can’t seem to have anything to work on getting my entry title hover color to work.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, try this one:

    a:hover .entry-header .entry-title {
        color: #990000;

    The “a” tag is wrapping the “header” and “h1” tag in that theme, which is unusual and is probably why it confused you. Usually the a tag is inside h1.

  • In case you need the hover effect for your site title as well:

    .site-header .home-link:hover .site-title {
        color: #990000;
  • That worked! Thank you so much!

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