Suggestion, better statistics option.

  • Would like to see either improve its stats for blogs, or now consider allowing third party options for statistics.

    Already, visitors who don’t use javascript, block javascripts or images do not show up as visitors in statistics.

    Lately, Most search terms are being labeled categorized “unknown search terms” to my blogs.

    Viewing search-keywords is too valuable a statistic to me for this statistic be so depreciated


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Viewing search-keywords is too valuable a statistic to me for this statistic be so depreciated

    Search engines like Google no longer pass on the search terms – if you get Google Webmaster Tools (allowed) you can see the Google search terms

  • Thanks auxclass..
    what a strange new policy that a search engine would suddenly not pass that stat along, but they allow it on their own statistics…
    I guess it’s just business.

  • It’s actually related to raising security all over the internet – part of the response by governments spying on everybody – https is on the way to being the new standard for web sites for just casual visitors – Google is going to start downgrading web sites that are not https encrypted

  • WOW, thanks for the info.
    does this mean that even our blog’s homepage URLs will eventually start with “https:” ?

  • does this mean that even our blog’s homepage URLs will eventually start with “https:” ?

    Yes – many sites anyway

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