
  • Full Site Editing (FSE) provides an expanded capacity for site owners to customize their respective sites, and I think it’s great!

    What might be nice is for to establish a gallery of different sample sites which have been modified using a given FSE theme…to showcase what’s possible via creative uses of the block editor!

    For instance, what changes have users made to the Stewart theme, or perhaps the Blank theme?

    Just a thought, thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Thank you for that feedback! It’s most useful.

    What might be nice is for to establish a gallery of different sample sites which have been modified using a given FSE theme…to showcase what’s possible via creative uses of the block editor!

    This link here: provides a list of block based themes.

    Are you able to tell me more about the site you’re looking to build? Perhaps I can offer some insights?

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I’ve tried several of the block based themes, pleased with the extensibility offered using FSE. Presently, I have the “Stewart” theme installed.

    I’ve been in contact today via chat with Support (Carolyn), hoping to move my fixed sidebar close to the left margin, something like as seen on this site:
    …and look forward to her response via email.

  • Thanks for that. I want to say the Full Site Editor doesn’t have sticky functionality built in yet, but I’ll be curious to hear what support comes up with on this!

    In the meantime, we’ve shared your feedback about wanting a gallery of possibilities. Thanks for that!

  • This morning via email, Carolyn W. provided a creative solution to customize the Stewart Theme via “Additional CSS” and duplication of template column blocks. The new (replacement) column blocks each received a CSS-class, and the width of the 2nd column was also converted to a fixed pixel dimension.

    She was also kind enough to share a brief instructional video outlining each step to follow, which was very helpful. It worked great, so I removed the original column blocks. Thanks very much!

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