suggesting adminstrator bar on all pages desktop browser view

  • suggestion:
    I am presuming that the administration bar has been removed from pages in accounts over the years to save screen space on small devices…

    Since browser ‘user-agents’ can tell if they are a desktop browser…
    Could we have the administration bar on all the pages the pages in are account if we are working from a laptop or desktop computer?
    I find its increasingly difficult to navigate from my laptop , having the admin. bar back on every page would be alot easier.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there. The admin bar does appear on all pages, as long as you’re logged in. The only time you won’t see the admin bar is if you’re logged out, if you don’t have cookies enabled for in which case your browser will think you’re logged out, or if you’re viewing a site.

  • No,
    It does not appear on all my pages… logged in, with cookies enabled.
    It does not appear on my reader pages or my statistics page in my account…

  • On the Reader and stats pages the admin bar is blue:

    What might be confusing you is that at the moment the blue admin bar doesn’t have drop-down menus like the black one you see elsewhere, but I’ve been told by a staff member in another thread that the drop-downs will be added to the blue bar as well. However, she did not give a time frame for when this will happen.

    Meanwhile you’ll have to use the My Sites page to reach your blogs if you’re navigating from the Reader interface.

  • Thank you
    not confusing me at all.
    but like I said, I am suggesting that the bar could be available on all pages on desktop browsers…( if the bar is left off of pages for small devices. — thats just an an assumption i making.) Its a matter of what the browser and web pages tell each other when they connect.

    I appreciate your assistance.

  • Also of note, if relevant…
    I notice when I block access to a domain associated with a company called EdgeCast Networks, Inc., the administration bar doesn’t load at all.


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