Suddenly not even one spam comment at all and readers not notified of new posts

  • After usually getting reams of spam that is caught daily on my site, I am suddenly getting absolute zero spam comments at all. Although you would think that’s great, something is obviously off. Some readers that used to comment are finding they go through the steps of commenting and then it doesn’t accept them. In addition, some readers are not getting notifications. Some get a few and then suddenly none. And a few that have tried re-subscribing are not being added. I tried one of my own different emails to subscribe and to see if I would be notified of new posts but I’m not. I don’t know what to do to fix. I’ve had this blog for 12 years. What is going on?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I noticed you posted on your site that this issue might be fixed?

    Are you still having issues with comments? I’ve visited your site and left a test comment, and it seems that it was received successfully:


  • yes I just found your test comment! Can you tell me why after getting hundreds of spam comments there suddenly are none at all? (Nice, but it indicates something is not normal). Or why some email subscribers are not getting notification of new posts? Thank you for your help

  • Can you tell me why after getting hundreds of spam comments there suddenly are none at all?

    Typically that means whatever spam vector was being used was either learned and blocked by Akismet before it even got to you or the spambots moved onto another site. There’s no way to tell “why” – that’s just the nature of spam and the robots that create it. :)

    I hope that helps!

  • I am having the same issue in that I am not receiving any notifications from the blogs I follow nor notification of replies to my comments. This is very frustrating and I don’t know how to change this.

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