Sudden large numbers from Hong Kong

  • wondering if anyone else has started seeing large numbers when it comes to views from HONG KONG? Mine started a about year ago and now they sometimes top visits from the US. My topic/pastime is not even popular in Hong Kong!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • i even have views from hong kong, but not in a large number, maybe people from hong kong have interest in your topic.

    best of luck !

  • Maybe someone very influential in HK has written something about you…
    You may check referrers.

  • Thanks but I’ve done/considered those things. The number of visits often exceed 50 a day and that’s just too strange….

  • Mine are in 500+ a day….way disproportionate to past.

  • I noticed this as well, and there isn’t any content that can explain all of it. (Friday 7/12 was just over 300 views from Hong Kong. Not the same page.

    I don’t pay for access to the full statistics package but it seems to be a very slow methodical crawling of my site.

  • It looks like someone probing for vulnerabilities.

  • I have exactly the same problem: a lot of unexplained views from Hong Kong since about a year.
    And my blog is in French, so, these views are very unliky…

  • Hi folks,

    There’s nothing ominous about getting a lot of views from a particular location. It just means someone who connects to the internet from there, or even using a VPN routing their internet connection through there, are viewing your site. So either you have a new audience thanks to the right person sharing one of your posts, or you at least have one repeat visitor who really likes what you write.

    It’s also completely normal to get occasional spikes in traffic from a certain location. Over time that will normalise again.


    I don’t pay for access to the full statistics package but it seems to be a very slow methodical crawling of my site.

    There is no “full statistics package” on All sites have exactly the same stats.

    It looks like someone probing for vulnerabilities.

    There is no possible way someone just visiting your site can somehow discover a “vulnerability” and hack it. Hacking doesn’t work that way.


    my blog is in French, so, these views are very unliky

    Hong Kong is a massive metropolitan city, and it’s very likely there are people there who speak French. Also see my note about about someone using a VPN to connect to the internet.

    Having your blog in a specific language is in no way an indicator that your traffic will only come from a certain part of the world.

  • You seem to be working very hard to not understand.

    This isn’t that there is a posting that struck a chord with people in HK. This is the systematic (though not programmatic) scanning of my entire blog.

    If this happened to corp website, I would say it is a hacker organization looking for a page that contains a vulnerability. But apparently that possibility isn’t of interest to anyone at WP.

  • I would say it is a hacker organization looking for a page that contains a vulnerability.

    Vulnerabilities don’t exist on the front end of a website that’s visible in a browser. They exist in the software behind the scenes, or on the hosting provider’s servers, and that’s where hackers would try to exploit them without you ever knowing about it.

    Hackers also don’t do this probing manually. They write automated computer programs which they run on multiple processors at once which allows them to probe and even attack thousands of sites in a matter of minutes.

    We have measures in place on to guard against this, and the only way someone else can compromise your site is if they were able to obtain your password, or access to your email account, browser, or computer.

    Any hacker that manually checks all the posts and pages on your site to find a vulnerability is a terrible hacker with no idea what he’s doing.

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