Suburbia theme add widgets to main nav

  • Blog:

    Right now, these theme seems to only allow widgets to be added to the sidebar and 3 bottom areas. The sidebar only shows on a post and not on the homepage at all.

    I would like to know if there’s a way to add CSS to put certain widgets on my main navigation bar on the left so that they’d be on every page before the scroll. Namely I’d like the follow widget, Facebook like box, and Twitter widget.

    Thanks so much in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, CSS can be used to style and position elements that already exist in a page, but cannot be used to add something that is not there, such as widgets and a sidebar to pages that do not have them already.

  • Sorry, I loaded Suburbia in my test site and added widgets to the bottom sidebar area, but they didn’t show up till after I force refreshed the page.

    If you put the widgets into the bottom sidebar area, they can be moved up and into position below the menu. we will use position absolute to do that, which means the will not move and respond to changes in the length of the widgets or the menu, so if you add things to the menu, you will have to adjust the position of the widgets in the CSS.

    If you add those widgets to the bottom sidebar area and post back here when you have done that, we can help you move them up and into position below the menu.

  • Do you still need help with the Suburbia theme?

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