Suburbia doesn´t work!

  • The theme I am using do not work correctly. When clocking on one cathgory, not all the post in that category are shown. The theme is supposed to show 4 posts on the upper row, and 5 on the other rows. It does not work

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, Sutta. Can you give us the URL of a specific category page that doesn’t look the way you should? I glanced at a few, and they looked fine, as far as I could tell. Maybe try clearing your browser cache.


  • It´s on the main page of it, the one linked above first of all. For the moment I have one sticky post. Then there is one normal post. Usually it would be one sticky and two normal. Or four normal and no sticky.

    On the second row there are four posts now, usually it would be five.

    And about the categories. At Litteratur you are supposed to find all posts categorised as Litteratur. But one is missing. The one that is missing IS categorised as Litterature, I checked it. You can find the missing post here: Referenslista

    I would really appreciate if you could help me.

  • Okay, I see what you mean. I noticed that Referenslista HEL1 is not showing up in either of the categories that you posted it in, not only Litteratur. Try removing all of the categories from that post. Then add the categories, publish the post again, and see if it appears in the category pages.

  • I just got to know it´s WordPress having a problem. It is reported from many people, I hope they fix it. Thanks for you suggestions


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