Substitute for Sovrn when I am writing a wordpress blog

  • Now that sovrn no longer does content recommendations with links and photos, is there some other plugin that is comparable form wordpress blog?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    On what site are you working? No service named Sovrn has ever been used for content recommendations on, and we don’t currently have an integration with any other service that does that.

    If you want advice on plugins, the best place to ask is the forums, and you can also search the plugin directory there.

    Note that using plugins on requires our Business Plan upgrade.

  • It used to be Zemanta but Sovrn took it over. Now I don’t have it on my two sites, either. I use it to set up recommendations to articles on my own site but it hasn’t been up in days.

  • We haven’t used it here for quite some time. We do have recommended posts for blog posts on your own site, for what it’s worth, just not anything recommending posts on outside sites.

    You could specifically recommend certain posts if you wanted to, though.

  • But I also used it to find pictures and suggest links/tags to my articles. It was rather convenient. And it was working last week.

  • As @supernovia said above, we haven’t supported it for quite some time – support for Zemanta was dropped in 2014 already, if I remember correctly.

    I assume you were using the browser extension? It’s possible that it still happened to work with, but not because of any support or integration on our end.

    I’d recommend contacting their support to find out if anything has changed on their end.

  • @kokkieh, I also have been using Sovrn recently. It used to Zemanta, but then Sovrn was the option. It worked quite well. Now it doesn’t show up at all. I’d like to know why we can’t use Sovrn anymore. It worked until about a month ago.

  • I think they stopped running it. You can’t even go to the download page for the browser plugin anymore, at least last time I tried. That’s why I was hoping for a WordPress-friendly alternative.

  • Hi torontostreetcars,

    As @kokkieh mentioned, please contact Sovrn for more information about whether there have been any recent changes on their end.

  • @gemmacevans Thanks for the feedback. My issue is the both Zemanta and then Sovrn worked on WordPress. If neither no longer work on WordPress then how do people add pictures and related articles on their blog? WordPress is supposed to be this great blogging site and yet it seems like every time there is a change it ends up being a step back.

    So, I’ll ask again, if we can no longer use Zemanta or Sovrn then what program can we use to help us?

  • Howdy!

    how do people add pictures and related articles on their blog?

    Back in May, we added Pexels to allowing you to add images to your posts for free. You can read our announcement on this feature over at our blog

    Find the Perfect Image with the Free Photo Library

    Click on the “+” in the post or page editor then selectFree photo library

    Here’s a screenshot:
    Screenshot 24 07 2018 17 16 00

    As others have mentioned we don’t currently have a method of recommending content for your site.

  • And for people who don’t use the app? I do my work on a laptop or desktop computer. It’s a nice idea if you are willing to work off an app. But I don’t – so this doesn’t help me at all. #sad

  • The Pexels integration is not available only via the mobile app. The screen shot @bdukes provided above is what you see if you click on the Add Media button in the editor at My Site ->Blog Posts in a web browser.

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