subscriptions up 500% in one day

  • we would like to think our blog is wildly popular, but something strange happened today
    the email subscriptions went up by 500%
    502% to be precise
    is there something new on wordpress we missed?
    and what’s a wordpress subscriber as opposed to an email subscriber

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • All I can suggest is to contact support at . There is one other thread on this in the forums right now as well.

  • I think this might be something hitting everyone. I had just a few subscribers (3 actually) on my neglected blog here) and now I have 21.

  • wordpress subscribers are those having a wordpress username and password (may or may not have a blog).
    email subscribers are those who subscribe to the blog by entering their email id in the subscription column.
    Yep. Mine too gone from 118 to 366 in a day. Wondering how *&^$#!!??

  • but do all of the email subscribers receive your blog posts? I just checked with a friend who has suddenly appeared on my “email subscribers” list – and she tells me that actually she doesn’t receive my updates..?

    Any ideas?

  • Hello—Yes I too have gone from 28 subscribers to 80 plus overnight. I noticed that today I sent emails to 8 people & all 8 of them showed up immediately as subscribers. Their is a glitch somewhere because I know all of these people didn’t subscribe. Everyone affected needs to contact WordPress.

  • we believe there’s an error occurring s.where
    ours is a highly political blog and some of the ‘new subscribers’ are people who threaten us the most via comments
    find it strange and unlikely these people would suddenly subscribe

  • The subscription numbers completely ignored subscriptions (using the built-in reader on the front page) before last night.

    We made a change to “correct” the numbers and to give you the information for those people who are subbed using The result of this is that for many people, those numbers increased, because if someone clicks on Subscribe in the Admin Bar while viewing your site, the default subscription is through the reader.

  • Hello—Yes I too have gone from 28 subscribers to 80 plus overnight. I noticed that today I sent emails to 8 people & all 8 of them showed up immediately as subscribers. Their is a glitch somewhere because I know all of these people didn’t subscribe.

    Can you explain what you mean by this in more detail? How did you send them an email?

  • @propagandapress – if I wanted to threaten and harass you then you better believe that I would subscribe – probably use the Readomatic feature – after all – I would not want to miss ANY chance to trash you.

    just thinking our loud a bit

  • @ auxclass
    lol good point. guess the hard core stalkers would
    @ markel
    gracias. sorta came to that conclusion but wasn’t sure. in our case the extra eyeballs are great, was just curious

  • I believe there is still a glitch. What is appearing in my Email Subscribers list is everybody that I have sent an invitation to “follow” my blog. Most of them did not. A few days ago I had 12 subscribers and now I have 26. I know that 14 of my family/friends are not receiving email updates of my blog posts. Those 14 previously ignored my request.

  • hi,
    the number of subscribers on my blog has increased from 3 to 9. Off these 2 are private blogs and so I cannot identify the user.

    how do i delete the subscribers?

  • how do i delete the subscribers?

    You can’t delete subscribers.

  • @ markel : thanks! ..but is there any way of identifying a private blog owner? A user subscribed to my blog recently, but I somehow cannot identify the user. When i went to the blog owned by the user, it turned out to be a private one.
    any help on this, would be beneficial!

  • I also had an increase in my subscribers, from 17 to 160, but
    here is the thing; Several of the emails were from personal
    friends who told me that they subscribed to me before, but
    it wasn’t showing up in my subscriber list. I’m just wondering,
    what happens now? Do they need to subscribe again?

  • @marcyac: Perhaps they had not confirmed their subscription? Check your stats again today. Your numbers may have gone down to reflect those users and email addresses that are actually subscribed to your blog. Details here:

  • this has happened t me too!! It went from 11 to 30 now it is back to 11, so what exactly happened here?

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